Предмет: Физика, автор: mercuzidydh2813777

1. Напряжение в первичной обмотке сварочного трансформатора 220 В, сила тока во вторичной обмотке 280 А, числи витков в ней равно 5, коэффициент трансформации 7. Определите силу тока в первичной обмотке, число витков в ней, а также напряжение на вторичной обмотке.​


Автор ответа: zinovicgrigorij

Ответ: 31,4В; 35; 40А








U2-?; I1-?; n1-?






Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: DaniilNikolaenko
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3.Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous.
1. On coming up to the house I saw a man who … (to try) to climb through the window.
2. The children were frightened because it … (to get) dark.
3. What … (he, to wear) when you last saw him?
4. They … (to redecorate) the house, so it was all in a mess.
5. The nurse was alone with the baby at that time because Mr. Spencer … (to work) in the garden and Mrs. Spencer … (toshop).
6. I wanted to speak to the captain of the ship which … (to leave) that evening for Portsmouth.
7. When I first met her she … (not, to work) yet. She … (to study) music.
8. There was a strange smell in the hall. Obviously our Vietnamese neighbours … (to cook) their national meal again.
9. He refused to go to the restaurant because he … (to diet).
10. What … (you, to do) when I rang the bell?
11. I watched the children for some time. Most of them … (to bathe), some boys … (to play) ball and all the others … (to run about).
12. We met quite by chance. I saw Gerald at a bus stop. He … (to wait) for a bus.
13. From the sounds next door it was clear that Mary and John … (quarrel) again.
14. I knocked and went in. James … (to read) in an armchair and Alice … (to sew) by the fire.
15. When I arrived the meeting was over. People … (to leave) the hall.
16. He … (always, to whisper) something. It was impossible to hear a word.
17. He got seriously injured when he … (to repair) the fireplace.
18. Just as I … (to think) what to do next, there was a knock at the door.
19. What … (you, to do) between one and two? I phoned you several times.
20. I … (to play) the piano and heard nothing.
While she .… (to watch) the sunrise, the birds woke up and began to sing
4. Используйте правильную форму Future Continuous or Future Indefinite.
1. I’ve arranged to play tennis with James at nine tonight.
2. But you … (to play) in dark. You … (not, to see) the ball.
3. I … (to call) you tomorrow at six.
4. Oh, call later if you don’t mind. I … (to bathe) the baby then.
5. Oh, he has just gone out.
6. Never mind. I … (to wait).
7. Why did you take his textbook? He … (to look) for it everywhere tomorrow.
8. But you can’t go to a fancy dress party in a dinner jacket!
9. Why not?
10. Because everyone … (to wear) a fancy dress.
11. You … (to have) something to eat, won’t you?
12. Wages have risen, so I suppose prices … (to go up) too.
13. This cup is dirty.
14. I’m sorry, I … (to bring) you another one.
15. We … (not, to play) cards at the party tonight, our hostess forbids us.
16. Loudspeaker: The ship … (to leave) in a few minutes, so all people not
17. travelling are asked to go ashore.
18. I … (not, to take) any photos for some time because there is something
19. wrong with my camera. I must have it repaired.
20. I … (not, to borrow) his car again. I don’t like the way it runs.
21. The election campaign … (to be) the main topic of this TV show. The party.
22. leaders … (to speak) about their programmes.
23. … (you, to use) your dictionary this afternoon?
24. No, you can borrow it if you like.
25. Thanks a lot. I … (to return) it in the evening.
26. You … (to see) lots of beautiful places while driving there.
27. I’m afraid I …(not, to have) the chance to enjoy the views. I … (to map-read).
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: olga1531970