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2)Swimmings is easier than ice-skating
3)Geography is more interesting than history
4)Films are better than sports programmes
5)Penguins are more nice than betles
6)Your house is farthest from school than my house
1) Paris is the most beatiful place in the world
2)Maths is hardest school subject
3)Eddie Redmayne is a good actor
4) The living room is the biggest room in my house.
5)My dad is the most funiest person I know
6) I am worst singer in the world
ex1. 2 Swimming is easier than ice-skating. 3. Geography is more interesting than history. 4. Films are better than sports programmes. 5. Penguins are nicer than beetles. 6. Your house is farther from school than my house. ex2. 1. the most beautiful 2. the hardest 3. the best 4. the biggest 5. the faniest 6. the worst ex3. 1. I have never played golf. 2. Have you ever seen a football match? 3. Yes, I have. 4. Has your best friendever been in a sports competition? 5. No, he hasn't. 6. My teacher has never run in a marathon. ex4. 1 ever 2 go 3 than...