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Похожие вопросы
Do you know who Leonardo Da Vinci was? What is he most famous for? Look at the pictures and give ideas about Leonardo Da Vinci not only as an artist, name the machines shown. Leonardo da Vinci is famous for creating some of the most incredible works of art. But besides being a brilliant artist, Da Vinci was also a scientist, engineer, and inventor. He may well have been the greatest inventor in history. Da Vinci drew sketches and diagrams of his inventions, which he preserved in his notebooks. Unfortunately, almost none of Da Vinci’s inventions were built during his lifetime. And, because he never published his diagrams, nobody else knew about them until his notebooks were discovered long after his death. That’s a pity, because da Vinci’s designs were spectacularly ahead of his time. If they had been built, they might have revolutionized the history of technology. In recent years, however, engineers have begun to construct models of da Vinci’s amazing machines and most of them actually work. PARACHUTE The invention of the parachute is traditionally credited to Leonardo da Vinci although he wasn’t the first to come up with the concept. However, Leonardo’s parachute was more sophisticated and in 2000, the British skydiver Adrian Nicholas proved that it works by jumping with a parachute built according to da Vinci’s sketches. ORNITHOPTER Da Vinci came up with plans for a number of flying machines including ornithopters. Inspired by birds and bird flight, Leonardo’s ornithopter was to be lifted and operated by flapping wings which in turn would be “powered” by muscle energy. ROBOTS What da Vinci built were not robots in the modern sense. He built a self-operating machine called automaton which, however, was capable of moving without human help. MACHINE GUN Leonardo’s machine gun was nothing like the modern machine guns. Rather than firing bullets rapidly from a belt, it was meant to fire bullets from individual guns that were connected in three rows, with each row containing 11 guns.
Just like in the case of the parachute, Da Vinci wasn’t the
first to come up with the idea of a suit that allows its wearer to
breathe underwater. But again, his design is strikingly similar
to the early prototypes of the modern diving suit: it consisted of
a (leather) jacket, pants and helmet with inbuilt glass goggles,
and a breathing tube that supplied air from the surface.
The tank was first used during World War I (1914-18) but
the concept, or according to some, the first prototype was
developed by Leonardo da Vinci more than 500 years earlier.
Leonardo’s tank was designed to be equipped by a series of guns
and “driven” by the men inside. Although some believe that he
didn’t really want the war machine to be built, while others
think that he perhaps wanted to prevent the design from falling
into the wrong hands.
Look at the words and phrases in colour in the text and match them to their definitions. 1) the first example of something 2) to become a posession of bad and dangerous people 6) too advanced or modern
5) a thought or idea
3) to suggest or think of an idea or plan
7) drawings of future inventions 8) to change greatly or completely
1) have the skill or ability or strength to do something
Установи соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подбери соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) Ошибка в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением.
Б) Ошибка в употреблении имени числительного.
В) Нарушение в построении предложения с деепричастным оборотом.
Г) Нарушение в построении предложения с косвенной речью.
Д) Ошибка в видовременной соотнесённости глагольных форм
1) Он рассказал им всё, объявил, что намерен ехать в Петербург искать места, и упросил их хоть на время приютить его жену.
2) Вот сейчас я читаю в книгах, что «Едоки картофеля» художник написал в 1885 году, а когда я первый раз путешествовал, это был 83-й.
3) И коротко Кениг сказал, что «мне было известно о крупной ссоре профессора Мезонье с его шурином, случившейся пятнадцать лет тому назад».
4) Легенда о бриллианте в тысячу восемьсот каратов, ехидно и тонко упомянутая меж бокалов шампанского и арией «Жоселен», произвела могучее действие, бросив тысячи проходимцев на поиски чуда к водопаду Альпетри.
5) Дав команду «умри», собака была уложена, но я позволил ей провожать глазами чибиса, пока он опять не залёг между кочками лепёшкой.
6) Здесь однажды, на субботнем собрании кружка любителей чтения юный Бурденко прочёл наизусть почти всего «Евгения Онегина».
7) Вот и озеро, которое подало мне о себе весть особенностью звука, издаваемого копытами лошадей, и ветками, которые часто натыканы здесь по обеим сторонам дороги.
8) Внизу, на пороге гостиной, улучив удобное мгновение, Владимир Николаич прощался с Лизой и говорит ей, держа её за руку, зачем беспрестанно приезжает к ним.
9) Она шла, задумавшись, по дороге, осенённой с обоих сторон высокими деревьями, как вдруг прекрасная легавая собака залаяла на неё