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срочно допоможіть. Даю 60 баллов
- What is your hometown?
- My hometown is Kyiv. It is a very beautiful city with a rich history and traditions.
- What made him so special for you?
- Kyiv is special for me, because I grew up here. Here I saw my friends for the first time, felt music for the first time, felt the spirit of the city for the first time. I received many positive emotions and impressions here.
- What places do you visit tips in Kyiv?
- I like visiting museums and galleries in Kyiv, as well as going for walks in the old city. I also like to spend time in parks and on the banks of the Dnieper.
- What do you like most in Kyiv?
- I love the atmosphere of Kyiv the most. This city is full of life and energy. There are many opportunities and experiences here. I love spending time here and enjoying its beauty.
- What is your hometown?
- My hometown is Kyiv. It is a very beautiful city with a rich history and traditions.
- What made him so special for you?
- Kyiv is special for me, because I grew up here. Here I saw my friends for the first time, felt music for the first time, felt the spirit of the city for the first time. I received many positive emotions and impressions here.
- What places do you visit tips in Kyiv?
- I like visiting museums and galleries in Kyiv, as well as going for walks in the old city. I also like to spend time in parks and on the banks of the Dnieper.
- What do you like most in Kyiv?
- I love the atmosphere of Kyiv the most. This city is full of life and energy. There are many opportunities and experiences here. I love spending time here and enjoying its beauty.