2 Conditional => If + Past Simple, Person + would + Verb1 (дієслово у теперішньому часі!)
1. If I wasn`t unemployed, I would earn money.
2. If Sue was`nt self-employed, she would have a boss.
3. If Ian worked not night shifts, he would`nt sleep during the day.
4. If we weren`t builders, we wouldn`t work outdoors.
5. If Jim wasn`t badly paid, he would be happy.
6. If Ebigail wasn`t a teacher, she wouldn`t have 8 weeks of holidays.
7. If Max wasn`t creative, he wouldn`t come up with good ideas.
8. If I had enough experience, I would apply for the job.
Я надеюсь что смогла помочь. Советую Вам разобраться с этой темой, так как, 2 Conditional очень важен. И так же если Вы разберетесь с этой темой сейчас, другие Conditional-ы вам будет легче понять. :)