пж пж пж зробіть сьогодні

Short - shorter - the shortest
Clever - cleverer - the cleverest
Tall - taller - the tallest
Interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
Bad - worse - the worst
Fast - faster - the fastest
Little - less - the least
Hot - hotter - the hottest
Simple - simpler - the simplest
Easy - easier - the easiest
Nice - niser - the nicest
famous - more famous - the most famous
short - shorter - the shortest
clever - cleverer - the cleverest
tall - taller - the tallest
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
bad - worse - the worst
fast - faster - the fastest
little - less - the least
hot - hotter - the hottest
simple - more simple - the most simple.
easy - easier - the easiest
nice - nicer - the nicest
Це дуже легка тема, тобі краще її вчити
Clever - cleverer - the cleverest
Tall - taller - the tallest
Interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
Bad - worse - the worst
Fast - faster - the fastest
Little - less - the least
Hot - hotter - the hottest
Simple - simpler - the simplest
Easy - easier - the easiest
Nice - niser - the nicest