Предмет: Английский язык, автор: romannabokin334

Card 1 - «Earth and our place in it>
1. What comes to mind when you hear the word 'pollution'?
2. Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? 3. What do you as an individual do to prevent it?
4. If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?
Card 2 - «Earth and our place in it>>
1. What are some things that can be recycled?
2. What are some things that your community is doing to help the environment?
3. What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in your country?
4. Do you think global warming is an effect of pollution?
Card 3 «Charities and Conflict>>
1. What types of charities do you think are doing the best and most effective work in the world? 2. What do you think about giving money to homeless people or beggars?
3. Do you think it is better to give time or money?
4. Do you think countries should help the poor in their own country before sending aid to other countries? Why?
Card 4- «Charities and Conflict>>>
1. What do you think are some important charities people should give to?
2. Do you think people should give money to homeless people?
3. Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity?
4. What benefits can you get by volunteering?
Card 5 - «Earth and our place in it»>>
1. What are climate change and global warming, and how are they related?
2. What do you do in your daily life that might increase global warming?
3. What could you do to reduce the effect of your actions?
4. How do you think global warming will change the world over the next century?​


Автор ответа: YoshiMira

Card 1

1. When you hear about pollution, you're most likely hearing about chemical emissions into air or water that come from industrial processing.
2. In my opinion, both government and people plays an important role in keeping our environment clean without any pollution.
3. Make your voice heard by those in power.
4. One alternate source of energy which I would like to develop is solar energy. This is because solar energy is a renewable form of energy and does not cause any environmental pollution unlike fossil fuels.

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