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2. My friend has had speakers for a week.
3. I just got home.
4. Jodie Foster's been an actress since she was a child.
5. We've moved house three times.
6. I've never liked cartoons.
7. They got married ten years ago.
8. I don't want a coffee, I've already had one at home.
Сокращения, разумеется, можно раскрыть.
I've - I have, Jodie Foster's - Jodie Foster has, и так далее.
2. My friend has had his speakers for a week. Present Perfect (for)
3. I have just got home. Present Perfect (just)
4. Jodie Foster has been an actress since she was a child . Present Perfect ( перед since).
5. We have moved the house for three times. Present Perfect ( for)
6. I have never liked cartoons. Present Perfect ( never)
7. They got married ten years ago. - Past Simple, слово ago показатель.
8. I don't want coffee. I have already drunk it. - перед словом coffee (tea, milk, water, juice) aртикль "а' не пишем. Во втором предложении - Present Perfect, показатель (already).
Объяснение: Present Perfect : Подлежащее + вспомогательные have/ has( не переводим их), в зависимости от подлежащего + глагол из третьего столбца таблицы неправильных глаголов (если там не находим, тогда + окончание - Ed). He has written the email. We have already bought some bread. They have just playED an interesting game.