Помогите с английским
b Circle the correct answers . 1 Let's switch over . We've seen ) We saw this documentary before . 2 Have you heard the news ? The President has just resigned just resigned 3 I went to sleep on the sofa last night and haven't turned off didn't turn off the TV . 4 Don't tell me what happens - I haven't watched | I didn't watch the last episode yet . 5 That programme is on ( has been on since I was a child . 6 I don't need to see the film because I've already read | I already read the book . 7 The children have had the TV on all day for all day . & They've only known each other for a month / since a month and they're getting married .

2. Have you heard the news? The President has just resigned.
Present Pefrect потому что событие произошло "только что".
3. I went to sleep on the sofa last night and didn't turn off the TV.
Past Simple так как событие произошло в определённый момент времени - last night.
4. Don't tell me what happens - I haven't watched it yet.
Во-первых, didn't watched грамматически неверно. Можно сказать didn't watch, но не в данном случае.
Во-вторых, используем Present Perfect (haven't watched) потому что отношение идёт к настоящему, слово-помощник - yet.
5. That program has been on since I was a child.
Present Perfect ибо событие длилось неопределённое долгое время и продолжается по сей день (до сих пор включена программа).
6. I don't need to see the film because I have already read the book.
Present Perfect т.к. нет конкретной даты, плюс информация из прочитанный книги является "релевантной" - ему не нужно смотреть фильм, он читал книгу и всё помнит.
7. The children have had the TV for all day.
Не знаю даже что добавить, я бы даже убрала for, без него звучит как-то правильнее, привычнее. Но если сравнивать между on all day и for all day - первое не подходит сюда от слова совсем.
8. They've only known each other for a month and they're getting married.
Since a month - грамматически неверно. Since - с какого-то дня.
Since можно использовать в связке с конкретной датой, с определённым месяцем, годом, и тп.