you and your family live in an area where are a lot of wealthy people but you are always talking about their new clothes and gadgets hearing them makes you feel miserable (сделать диалог)

Jack:Hi, mom.
Mum:Hi,dear, how was your day at school?
Jack:Awful..All the kids are always showing their new clothes and gadgets.My classmate got a new phone yesterday.I am so jealous.I have wanted a new phone for 2 years..
Mum:I am so sorry, sweetheart.But there is nothing we can do.You know we don't have money for such expensive things.We are just less fortunate than them.
Jack:I know, mum,but I feel so rejected, no one wants to play with me because I always wear the same clothes.
Mum:One day you will make true friends, I promise you dear.And when you do, they won't take notice of your clothes or gadgets.They will love you for who you are.
Jack:I really hope so.
Mum:Just try to enjoy your life as a teenager and do not pay attention to all this.People need to be beautiful inside, not outside.
Jack:Ok, mum, I will try.I love you.
Mum:I love you too, sweetie.
Диалог друзей (меня и моего друга). Mike (Майк) — друг. Его можно поменять на другое имя при желании.
Mike: Hi, (ваше имя)! How are things?
Me: Hi, Mike. Glad to see you. Overall everything's great, but...
Mike: What happened?
Me: To be honest, I feel like I'm a stranger here.
Mike: Oh no! Why do you think so?
Me: Well, you know how poor I am. And it was such a luck that we were able to move on this street. But everyone's wealth here.
Mike: I don't see a problem here. Do people laugh at you?
Me: No, they don't. But hearing them talking about cool things such as new clothes and gadges makes me feel miserable. You might think that I'm jealous, but I swear, it's not true! I just feel rejected. No one notice me because I'm not like everyone. I don't know what to do.
Mike: Oh, I'm sorry you feel this way. But I have some advice for you. You should stop thinking that you're worse than other people. If you're a kind person, it doesn't matter how you dress up. As your friend, I can say that you're a nice one. But you should make friends with others as well. Look at that girl over there! Go talk with her.
Me: I'm not really sure...
Mike: Stop doubting yourself! Just enjoy your life!
Me: Okay, thanks! I'll try my best.
Mike: Good luck!
Me: Bye!