Предмет: Русский язык, автор: oksanafeo1

Срочно !! Напишите 10 взаимствованных слов русского языка , их значение и из какого языка пришли к нам )))=)

oksanafeo1: вопрос закрыт


Автор ответа: valmikidas
Гол - слово из английского языка, означает цель.
Халат - слово из арабского языка, означает почётное платье.
Зомби - слово из языка Банту, означает дух умершего.
Сабля - из венгерского, означает резать.
Библиотека - из древнегреческого, означает любовь к книгам.
Суббота - слово из иврит, означает священный праздник субботы.
Парад - из испанского, означает приготовление.
Помидор - из итальянского, означает золотое яблоко.
Фрукт - из латыни, означает плод.
Зонтик - из немецкого, означает покрывало от солнца.

oksanafeo1: спасибо )))
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1. The discovery of America on October 12, 1492, is perhaps the most important single event in human history, and yet there are a great many unsolved problems about it. Let′s consider some of the questions which arise when we say that Christopher Columbus discovered America.
2. First, who was Columbus? His name is mysterious. It was not Columbus in his lifetime, but Colon, Colom, Colonus, or Colombo. He called himself, or was called, all five at different times. One set of documents says that he was a weaver and the son of a weaver at Genoa; but he himself talks of many years at sea and besides this his knowledge of seamanship must have been the result of long years’ experience.
3. Whatever the truth of his origin Columbus was without question an extremely remarkable man. He was a very practical sailor and was interested in mathematics, geography and astronomy, at least as far as they related to navigation. But he was also a dreamer, determined to make his dream, come true.
4. And what was his dream? The Portuguese had reached India by sailing east. They had discovered the whole west coast of Africa and rounded what we now call the Cape of Good Hope. Columbus believed that by sailing west he would reach India – which was the name for Asia generally. Columbus did reach land by sailing west by a much shorter route than the Portuguese, but he always thought that it was Asia. It is a strange thing, but Columbus was able to find his dream because he was wrong about the most important point. He knew that the earth was round and that therefore you could sail round it by traveling either east or west; but he mistakenly thought that this round ball was much smaller than it is.