Предмет: Українська мова, автор: moreman

написати невеличкий твір з використанням слів: простора галявина, тиша, прив'яла трава, шелестить,притихла берізка, шурхіт, пожовкле листя, стукіт, дощові ккраплини, сорока-білобока, як сльози, стрекоче, кучеряві хмари, дятел, самотній дуб, білка


Автор ответа: ir2310

 Одного разу пішли ми з класом у парк. Уранці природа ще спала і навкруги панувала тиша.

 Ми вийшли на простору галявину. Там на прив*ялій траві блищали дощові краплини, мов сльози. Притихла берізка, на якій вже було пожовкле листя.

 Осіння тиша іноді порушувалася шурхотом та стукотом. То прокинулася сорока-білобока та дятел.

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Отличница123456789
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Про­чи­тай­те два тек­ста.

1) Пут­ни­ки на­пра­ви­лись зна­ко­мы­ми ули­ца­ми к двор­цу Гу­дви­на. По до­ро­ге Фа­ра­мант не утер­пел, со­об­щил кое-ко­му из жи­те­лей о ги­бе­ли страш­ной Баст­ин­ды. Весть быст­ро рас­про­стра­ни­лась по го­ро­ду, скоро за Элли, ее дру­зья­ми до са­мо­го двор­ца шла боль­шая толпа по­чти­тель­ных зевак.

2) Пут­ни­ки на­пра­ви­лись зна­ко­мы­ми ули­ца­ми к двор­цу Гу­дви­на. По до­ро­ге Фа­ра­мант не утер­пел и со­об­щил кое-ко­му из жи­те­лей о ги­бе­ли страш­ной Баст­ин­ды. Весть быст­ро рас­про­стра­ни­лась по го­ро­ду, и скоро за Элли и ее дру­зья­ми до са­мо­го го­ро­да шла боль­шая толпа по­чти­тель­ных зевак.

(А. Вол­ков)

1.Ка­ко­во грам­ма­ти­че­ское раз­ли­чие этих тек­стов?

2.Какой текст более удо­бен для чте­ния? По­че­му?

3.Вы­пи­ши­те слова или грам­ма­ти­че­ские ос­но­вы, со­еди­нен­ные со­ю­зом и. В каких от­но­ше­ни­ях между собой они на­хо­дят­ся?

4.С какой целью ис­поль­зу­ют­ся союзы?
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: m4il4ebeactyanorohk
помогите перевести текст пожалуйста .WHAT IS AN ELECTRIC CURRENT? The question is often asked: "What is an electric current?" No one has ever seen it. We only know of the existence of a current owing to its effects. A current can heat a conductor, it can have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect. We can measure currents by observing their heating, chemical or mag­netic effects. The practical unit of current is called the Ampere. Two things are necessary to cause an electric current to flow: first - a complete circuit, and second - a driving force called the elec­tromotive force (e. m. f.). If you put free electrons on an insulated copper ball, what would they do? In this case they would try to repel each other. In case you connected this charged ball to another ball of equal size by a copper wire, what would be the result? The electrons would move along the copper wire un­til the numbers of electrons on each ball were the same. This is an exam­ple of electromotive force causing a current to flow. A battery has a surplus of electrons on one of its two plates; so you say that a battery furnishes an e. m. f. If a copper wire is run from one plate to the other, а current flows in the complete circuit thus made. If a small bulb is placed in the circuit, it will light up, giving evidence to a current flow. If the battery were disconnected and a generator substituted for it, we should have a typical lighting system. Both batteries and gen­erators are the most common sources of electromotive force. The practi­cal unit of e. m. f. is the Volt. Currents will flow more readily in some substances than in others, that is, various substances offer lesser or greater resistance to the flow of current. Such substances as porcelain, ebonite, rubber, glass and the like having extremely high resistance are known as insulators. The practical unit of resistance is the Ohm. Substances whose properties lie between those of conductors and in­sulators are called semiconductors. Let us name but a few most widely used at present, they are germanium, silicon, selenium and copper oxide. The importance of semiconductors in our life cannot be overestimated. But for these tiny "workhorses" electronic industry would not have achieved such a great progress.