Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Romanoff80

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Автор ответа: prostoekaterina
Растение Иван-да-Марья давно известно своими лечебными свойствами.
Маша очень любит лютики, а Лена - васильки.
Выращивать маргаритки - моё давнее хобби.
Автор ответа: Аноним
В сквере росла буйная персидская сирень, махровые маки, желтые тюльпаны.
Дорожка сада была усыпана лепестками отцветающих роз.
По улице шла девушка с огромным букетом полевых цветов, в котором ярко выделялись васильки и скромно пестрели ромашки.

Romanoff80: Спасибки
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Task 1. Decide which sentences in these pairs are wrong. Put ГАЛКА if the sentence is correct and КРЕСТИК if the sentence is incorrect. In some cases both sentences are correct.

1. a) Remember that the pie is baked very quickly; don’t burn it.
b) Remember that the pie bakes very quickly; don’t burn it.
2. a) We were repeated the new rules several times.
b) The new rule was repeated to us several times.
3. a) The delay of the London express was announced to the travelers.
b) The travelers were announced the delay of the London express.
4. a) In this restaurant seafood is served to customers.
b) Customers in this restaurant are served seafood.
5. a) I’m sure this old model won’t sell any longer.
b) I’m sure this old model won’t be sold any longer.

Task 2. Insert the necessary prepositions to make these sentences complete.
1. I know Jill lives in the north of England but at the moment I can’t think ________ the name of the town.
2. Shouting ________ people is very rude, never do it.
3. I’m reading a new book by Tony Parsons. Have you heard ________ him?
4. Teenagers usually begin thinking seriously ________ their future careers.
5. I haven’t heard ________ my cousin Tina for a long time. I’m going to give her a call myself.

Task 3. Read the text and make it complete with derivatives formed from words on the right.
My little niece Danielle, ________________________ 6, has long had a ________________________ with the “Big Pencil”, the ________________________ Washington Monument. She saw glimpses of it during drives through the District. Her first visit to the top of the monument inspired a closer ________________________ with dead presidents made of metal and stone. It was on the way to the Lincoln Memorial that she made the ________________________ remark. “Is the president really in there?” my niece wanted to know. “No, it’s a big ________________________ of him.”
“Is he ________________________ dead, though?” she asked. “Yes.” She got _________________________ for a moment, trying to reason this through. “So, you mean, after they get rid of presidents, they use them for ________________________?” It was my turn to think.

Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним