Write. (Подставьте вместо пропусков эти предлоги. Заранее, спасибо!)
up, down, into, onto, under, through, across, over
They are jumping __________ the water.
She is going __________ the slide.
It is running __________ the chair.
He is climbing __________ the mountain.
She is looking __________ the window.
They are walking __________ the bridge.
It is flying __________ the sea.
It is failling _________ the boat.
They are jumping into the water.
She is going down the slide.
It is running under the chair.
He is climbing up the mountain.
She is looking through the window.
They are walking across the bridge.
It is flying over the sea.
It is failing onto the boat.
They are jumping into the water.
She is going down the slide.
It is running under the chair.
He is climbing up the mountain.
She is looking through the window.
They are walking across the bridge.
It is flying over the sea.
It is failling onto the boat.