Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

Reading AN EXCEPTIONAL LANGUAGE LEARNER A When Lýdia Machová recently gave a TED Talk about learning languages, she did not speak Slovakian, which is her first language. Instead, she decided to give the talk in English, which she speaks perfectly. Lýdia, however, is not bilingual - she told her audience that she speaks another seven languages, all of them fluently, and that she likes to learn a new language every two years. B To many people, that probably sounds almost impossible. However, Lýdia says that she is not particularly intelligent or talented - and that almost anyone can learn a new language easily. From her own experience and from meeting other polyglots (people like her who speak lots of languages), she has worked out some important tips. C She explains that there are lots of different ways of learning. You can start with the 500 most common words or study the grammar. You can pick up a cookery book or listen to podcasts. Almost any method is OK as long as it's something that you really enjoy. D She gives the example of when she was learning German; she started watching the German version of Friends on TV. At first, she didn't understand a word, but she was a fan of the show and she kept watching it, and in the end, she could understand almost everything. She did something similar with Spanish. As a child, she loved Harry Potter, so she read Harry Potter books in Spanish, and that allowed her to learn much more quickly. E There are a few study techniques that she recommends. When you learn vocabulary, it's easy to learn 50 words one day and then forget them next week. The important thing is to revise them after a day, a week and a month and that is how you remember them. Another piece of advice is to give yourself time - maybe half an hour every day and to make 100% sure that you never miss a day. F One final piece of advice is to talk as much as possible with native speakers. Talking is an important part of language learning, and it doesn't matter if you make mistakes everybody does, and mistakes can help you to learn faster. And the great thing is that if you're learning French, for example, you don't have to travel to France. Thanks to the Internet, it's easy to find forums and chat sites where you can practise any language in the world - and all from the comfort of your own room. 12 Read the article. Then match the headings (A-G) with the paragraphs (1-6). There is one extra heading that you do not need. 1 Make the most of technology 2 3 4 Take your time Anything's fine, as long as it's fun I'm nothing special 5 6 7 A multilingual woman What to do and what not to do Personal experience Score /6 13 Read the article again. Then answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1 What is the most surprising fact about Lýdia Machová? 2 Does Lýdia think she has a special talent for learning languages? 3 What methods do polyglots seem to use? 4 Why does Lýdia mention the TV programme Friend and the Harry Potter books? 5 What advice does Lýdia give about learning vocabulary? 6 How can the Internet help you to learn a language? Score /6 14 Think about your own experience of learning a language. Choose three of Lýdia's points and say whether you agree or disagree with her. Score 13​



Автор ответа: mishel213


goes at maver an the house and grate gitar I LOVE THIS VIEW WE FELL IN the house and grate gitar I am mishel I LOVE THIS VIEW WE FELL IN the house and grate gitar I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am mishel I am a very happy with the house

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Предмет: Литература, автор: Аноним


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