Предмет: Английский язык, автор: abyrasylnazar

2 Read the email again and answer the questions. 1.In the first paragraph, what was Phoebe's problem and why? 2.How did she feel about it? 3. What advice did she get, and what happened? gogpå 4. In the second paragraph, why did she have a problem and what was it? 5. What advice did she get, and what happened? ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ​



Автор ответа: erpolatovazanet63



In the first paragraph, what was Phoebe's problem, and how did she feel about it?

1)Phoebe's problem in the first paragraph was feeling lost at her new school.

2)She felt that the work was harder, and the teachers seemed strict.

3)Phoebe received advice to explain her difficulties to the teachers. She followed the advice, and the teachers realized her determination to improve. Since then, they have been helping her a lot.

4)In the second paragraph, Phoebe had a problem making friends because she was shy, and the other students in Year 3 already knew each other.

5)Phoebe received the advice to play sports, specifically joining the volleyball team. Following this advice, she started making friends more quickly, and her teammates helped her feel more connected.

mereiburibai: thank you so much
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