Предмет: Русский язык, автор: algiztimganov

На этой картине мы видим тихое море. Парусники дрейфуют вдали. На белом фоне облачного неба море выглядит завораживающе. Картина выполнена в нежных тонах, что навевает спокойные мысли. Полотно вызывает чувство умиротворения. Так хочется посидеть в закатных лучах солнца на берегу, полюбоваться красивым морем. Почувствовать легкий, теплый ветерок и насладиться спокойствием природы. На этой картине художник показывает нам морской пейзаж, которым хочется долго любоваться. ПОДЧЕРКНИТЕ ПРИЧАСТИЕ И ПРИЧАСТНЫЙ ОБОРОТ.


Автор ответа: DevyatkoVladik


покажи картинку пожалуйста

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним



1. What is the national emblem of England?

a. violet b) rose c) tulip d) daffodil.

2. What does the word “Albion” the poetic name of Great Britain mean?

a. black b) red c) white d) green.

3. What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?

a. Union Jack b) stars & stripes c) St. Patrick d) St. Andrew.

4. What is the name of the Londonʼs residence of the Queen?

a)Windsor Palace b) Kensington Palace c) Westminster d) Buckingham Palace.

5. What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

a) №10 Downing Street b) Bakerʼs street c) White Hall d) Westminster.

6. Where was William Shakespeare born?

a) Sheffield b) Coventry c) Stratford-on-Avon d) Glasgow.

7. How many states are there in the USA?

a) 48 b) 50 c) 52 d) 54.

8. Where does the president of the USA live and work?

a) the White House b) Congress c) the Pentagon d) Capitol Hill.

9. What is the biggest state of the USA?

a) Texas b) Illinois c) California d) Alaska.

10. Who was the first president of the USA?

a) George Washington b) John Adams c) Abraham Lincoln d) Bill Clinton.

11. Who was the president of the USA when slaves were freed?

a) George Washington b) John Adams c) Abraham Lincoln d) Thomas Jefferson.

12. In which city is Hollywood?

a) New York b) San Francisco c) Los Angeles d) Chicago.

13. The American flag has….

a) 13 stripes b) 23 stripes c) 30 stripes d) 50 stripes.

14. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

a) February, 14 b) May, 28 c) July, 4 d) December, 25.

15. What ship did the first American settlers come to America in?

a) the Adventure b) the Resolution c) Santa Maria d) the Mayflower.

16. What state does the capital of the USA belong to?

a) the State of Pennsylvania b) the District of Columbia c) Florida d) California.

17. How long did the War of the Roses last?

a) 10 years b) 20 years c) 30 years d) 40 years.

18. What is “Disneyland”?

a) industry town b) name of a square c) cartoon d) Childrenʼs park.

19. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

a) New York b) Massachusetts c) Los Angeles d) Washington.

20. Whose monument stands on the Trafalgar Square in London?

a) Winston Churchill b) Admiral Nelson c) Captain Drake d) Julius Caesar.

21. What is the oldest University of Great Britain?

a) Oxford b) Cambridge c) Exeter d) Harvard.

22. What is the capital of Australia?

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourne d) Ottawa.

23. What is the capital of Canada?

a) Toronto b) Ottawa c) Sydney d) Canberra.

24. Who was the first Englishman who sailed round the world?

a) Captain James Cook b) Admiral Nelson c) Captain Drake d) Casey Jones.

25. How did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (William and Kate Middleton) name their
first child (son) … .

a. John Louis b) Philipp c) Theodore William d) George Alexander Louis.​