Предмет: Химия, автор: verapom2017

Термохімічна реакція сульфур (ІV) оксиду з киснем перебігає за схемою:

SO+O SO; ДН-197 кДж/моль.

Обчисли кількість теплоти, яка виділиться, якщо прореагував сульфур (ІV) оксид об'ємом 44,8 л (н. у.). Склади рівняння окисно-відновної реакції. За допомогою методу електрон ного балансу добери коефіцієнти.


Автор ответа: TwinkDimon


Термохімічна реакція між сульфур (IV) оксидом та киснем може бути записана наступним чином:

SO₂ + 1/2 O₂ → SO₃; ΔH = -197 кДж/моль.

Кількість теплоти, яка виділиться при реакції сульфур (IV) оксиду об’ємом 44,8 л (н. у.), можна розрахувати за формулою:

Q = n × ΔH,

де Q - кількість теплоти, n - кількість молей речовини, що бере участь у реакції, ΔH - тепловий ефект реакції.

Об’єм 44,8 л (н. у.) дорівнює 2 молям газу за стандартних умов (0°C та 1 атм). Тому кількість молей сульфур (IV) оксиду, який прореагував, можна розрахувати за формулою:

n = V / Vm,

де V - об’єм газу, Vm - молярний об’єм газу за стандартних умов.

Підставляючи відповідні значення, отримаємо:

n = 44,8 л / 22,4 л/моль = 2 моль.

Таким чином, кількість теплоти, яка виділиться при реакції сульфур (IV) оксиду об’ємом 44,8 л (н. у.), дорівнює:

Q = n × ΔH = 2 моль × (-197 кДж/моль) = -394 кДж.

Рівняння окисно-відновної реакції для даної реакції можна записати наступним чином:

2 SO₂ + O₂ → 2 SO₃.

За допомогою методу електронного балансу можна добрати коефіцієнти рівняння таким чином, щоб кількість електронів, що вступають у реакцію на стороні окислювача, дорівнювала кількості електронів, що вступають у реакцію на стороні відновлювача. У даному випадку, кількість електронів на обох сторонах рівняння вже збалансована, тому коефіцієнти рівняння можуть бути записані наступним чином:

2 SO₂ + O₂ → 2 SO₃.


Shkiper200: 394 має бути без мінуса :)
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William Harry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington. on October 28th, 1955. Bill's father Bill Gates Jr. worked for a Seattle law firm and Bill's mother Mary taught at school until they started their family. Bill's parents were married in 1951 and two years later gave birth to their first child. Bill's older sister. Kristanne. Two years after Bill was born and in 1964 the third and final Gates was born, her name is Libby. As a child Bill enjoyed rocking back and forth, today he still has a habit of rocking when he is thinking about something. Bill was very bored at school and his parents knew it, so they were always trying to supply him with more information to keep him busy. Bill's parents finally decided to put him in a Private School where he would be challenged more. The Lakeside private school had just bought a new computer when Bill arrived and he was immediately hooked. In a week he knew more about the computer than his teacher at Lakeside. Learning the BASIC programming language was easy for Bill, and he was soon writing his own programmes.
Bill's love for computers and math led him to a new place around his neighborhood that was renting computer time. He made an arrangement with the owners that he would get free computer time if he found things that made the computer crash.
During this time Bill met Paul Allen, his business partner for the rest of his life. Together they started a small company called Traf-O-Data, they sold a small computer with own programme that could count traffic for the city. The company was not a big success, but it earned the two boys some money as well as good business skills. Bill also wrote a schedule programme for his school, which he changed a bit to put little Bill Gates in a class full of the prettiest girls. Bill was considered by his classmates, and his teachers as the smartest kid in school.
After graduating from Lakeside Bill entered Harvard University in 1973, one of the best universities in the country. Bill was also bored here so he spent most of his time programming, playing poker and seeing how little work he could do and still get excellent marks. He told his teachers that he would be a millionaire by the time he was thirty. This was one of the few times he underestimated himself, Bill was a billionaire when he was 31.
One of Bill's teachers said, "He is a great programmer, but he is a very unpleasant humanbeing". The intense life-style Bill had during his first year in Harvard made him ill for most of the summer of 1974. Bill soon left Harvard for business opportunities in programming which turned him into a multi-billionaire.
Later he met Melinda French, who he married, and they now have 3 children. It's very interesting that even with all his money Bill drives himself to work in an average family car. Bill is a keen reader, and enjovs playing golf and bridge.

1. Read the text carefully and put these events in the order they happened.
1) Bill started Traf-O-Data.
2) Bill got married.
3) Bill went to a private school.
4) Bill met Paul Allen.
5) Bill went to Harvard University.
6) Bill's mother worked at school.
7) Bill started writing his own programmes.
8) Bill was ill for the whole summer.
9) Bill sold his first programme.

2. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.
1) Bill has 2 sisters.
2) Bill is moving when he is thinking.
Bill liked school very much.
3) Bill was bored in both schools.
4) Bill had higher knowledge of computer than his school teacher.
5) Bill spent a lot of money to have an opportunity to work on the computer.
6) Traf-O-Data was a waste of time and energy.
7) Bill made a programme which put him in the same class with the prettiest girls at school.
8) He had to study hard at Harvard.
10) One of Bill's teachers said Bill was a nice person.
11) Bill knew he would become a millionaire.
12) Bill dropped out of Harvard.
13) Bill has a driver.
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Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: workkkkkkkkbch


Жанар! Атың қандай әдемі! Сендердің бұл қызбен танысып қоюларың керек. Осы повестің бас кейіпкерінің бірі болуға Жанар- татитын қыз. Екеуіміз бірге оқимыз. Жанар- біріншіден, кластағы ең ақылды қыз. Екіншіден, сұлу. Әсіресе қызыл береткасын киіп жүргенде, сондай құлпырып, жайнап кетеді. Даусы қандай шіркіннің!, Ән салғанда тыңдасаң!, Басына үкілі тақия киіп, мың бұралып "Қамажайға" билегенін көрсең! Барып тұрған өнерлі қыз. Кластағы бірінші үздік окушы. Жанарды ойыма алсам, мен қатты қуанып кетемін. Шіркін-ай, былай болса: адам әуелі улкен болып жаралса. Өмірдегі өзіне тиісті қызмет - мамандығын атқарып болғаннан кейін барып балаға айналса. Сонда маған Майқанова қалай қарар еді? "Үлкен кезінде ол әйгілі жазушы болған , оның есімі бүкіл дүниежүзіне мәлім. Олай болса, менің оған ұрса бергенім жарамас, жазушыны сыйлау керек! - деп ойлар еді... Жанардың үйі көшенің басына таман, өзенге таяу. Әкесі -Балабек бригадир болып істеді. Мамасы Қырымға курортқа кеткен... Жанардың үйде жалғыз екенін білгенде қуанып кеттім. "Не де болса, сөйлесейін" деп ойлаймын. - Кеш жарық, Жанар! Жанардың таңданған жүзі дереу күлімсіреді. Қасыма жүгіріп кеп, шарбақтың үшкіл басынан ұстап,бетпе -бет тұра қалды. -Кеш жарық , Қожа. Неғып жүрсің ? - деп сұрады ол. Мен түнделетіп жайлауға кетем. Мамаңа барасың ба? Ие. Сен неге лагерьге бармадың? Мамам келгенше үйде болып, әжеме көмектесем. Майқанова апай :"Лагерьге келесі кезекке жолдама берем"-деді. Жанар осыны айтты да: Қожа менің әжем үйде жоқ. Жүр , дойбы ойнайық!- деді.
Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: Аноним