Предмет: Химия, автор: sashavitala043

Укажіть кількість атомів Оксигену у формулі 2Fe2(SO4)3


Автор ответа: ponsearusly

24 атома,у дужці їх 4,таких самих "дужок" 3,формул таких

Автор ответа: Soyeon1Luna




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2 Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.
The old dressing is be contaminated.
The micro-organisms are all be killed by the sterilization.
The diagnosis could be make after the cardinal signs appeared.
This rash has been caused meningitis.
Sensory loss is suffer by people with leprosy.
All the children must to be immunized.
The anthrax bacteria are be destroyed by an antibiotic.
3 Опишите пандемию гриппа 1918, используя глаголы в скобках в формах
пассивного залога.
Model. 30 million people / kill / influenza pandemic of 1918
30 million people were killed by the influenza pandemic of 1918
1 People / strike / illness on the street.
2 Nothing / can do / to stop the spread of the disease.
3 The virus / spread / movement of large numbers of people.
4 More coffins and gravediggers / need.
5 The origins / not know even today.
6 Antibiotics / not use / until the 1950s.
7 Many thousands of people / kill / the flu virus since 1918
4 Переделайте предложения, используя формы пассивного залога.
Model: You should give 0.5 ml doses of the MMR vaccine.
0.5 ml doses should be given.
1 We give MMR vaccinations to two-year-old children.
2 Vaccinations may cause an adverse reaction.
3 We know about hypersensitivity to the hepatitis A vaccine.
4 You have to give hepatitis B vaccinations to health care workers.
5 You must not handle soiled dressings without gloves on.
6 You should not give this to pregnant women.