Предмет: Астрономия, автор: scaroan

При спостереженні проходження Марса по диску Сонця визначили що його кутовий радіус в протистоянні дорівнює 9,6", а горизонтальний паралакс - 18".
Визначити лінійний радіус Марса.


Автор ответа: xansix


Для визначення лінійного радіуса (D) можна скористатися наступною формулою:

\[ D = \frac{{\text{{Кутовий радіус}}}}{{\text{{Горизонтальний паралакс}}}} \]

Підставляючи вказані значення:

\[ D = \frac{{9,6"}}{{18"}} \]

Вираховуючи це, отримаємо лінійний радіус Марса.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ainuraamankeldi26
Read the dialogue and choose two False statements.
In the Botanical Garden
Teacher: Dear children, welcome to our botanical garden - one of the most visited places in our city.
Children: Hooray!
Teacher: Today you will have an unusual lesson out of the class. What do you think is the topic of today’s lesson?
Kate: Gardens?
Tim: Plants?
Alex: Insects?
Teacher: You are all right, but what do you think all these words have in common?
Kate: Flora and fauna?
Teacher: Yes, the topic is living things. Living things are living organisms that can eat and grow.
Alex: People are living things too!
Teacher: Right, Alex, but not only. Ok, class, let's look around. What living things can you see?
Tim: Trees, because they grow, take CO2 and give us oxygen.
Kate: Yes, and flowers too. And birds are living things too, they grow and reproduce in spring.
Teacher: Well done, guys. Let’s have a little excursion around the garden. Take your learner’s portfolio and do not forget to take notes about all the living things that you will see.
Tim: It is so beautiful around, everything is green. By the way, Miss Ann, why do leaves have a green colour?
Teacher: Because the leaves contain chlorophyll, which gives them their green color.
Kate: They become yellow and red in winter because of the lack of sunlight. But, why do pine trees stay green in winter?
Teacher: Good point, Kate! Pine trees are called evergreens because they have needles instead of leaves, that’s why they do not turn yellow and are green all year.
Alex: Look at this unusual flower! It looks as if it is sleeping.
Kate: Yes, it is different from other flowers around. Why is it sleeping?
Teacher: This is a mirabilis. It comes from Mexico and grows mainly in tropical countries. It is open at night, so during the day it “sleeps”. People call it “night beauty” because it is very beautiful when it opens its flowers…

Number of correct answers: 2
Evergreens are always green.
Due to chlorophyll leaves are green.
People are living things.
Pine needles fall and turn yellow.
The botanical garden is not a popular place to visit