Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ajbazik

1. Fill in the proper form of the verb: a lot of rain last season.

a) There are

6) There is

8) There were

r) There was a) It was

2. Fill in the proper form of the verb: Luckily we plenty of money with us.

a) To have 6)had s) was 1) were 1) luas

3. Fill in the proper form of the verb:

a story about a wolf cub in your library?

a) Are this 6)Are there

n) Is this

r) Is it a) Is there

4. Fill in the proper form of the verb: she bee here?

a)Will 6)ls a) Does

г) Do д) Am

5. Fill in the gap with the proper article: boy standing near window, is my


a)The, the 6)A, the ) A. an г)0, а д) А,0

6. Fill in the gap with the proper article:

English live in Great Britain.

a)The, 0 6)A, 0 a) An, the r)0, the

a) The, the

7. Fill in the gap with the proper article:

There is umbrella on chair. Can you

give it to me?

a)the, а б)а, а s) an, the r)0, the a) the, the 8 . Fill in the gap with the proper article:

interesting book I have. What is it sea animals. What

book is about about? a)the, the, 0 6)a, the. 0 s) an, the, 0

г)a, the, 0 ) 0, 0, the

9. Fill in the gap with the proper article:

I need some flour for cake. flour is

on table.

a) The. 0. a 6)a, The, the s) an, The, a

)0, The, the a) the, The,a

10. Fill in each gap with the proper proposition:

"What is your address?"

"I live 199 Apple Street".

a)so 6)along ) in rat

11. Find the proper form of an adjective and mark it.

Last summer was very rainy and I need my

umbrella than now.

a)many often 6)much often a) oftener

r)more often a) most often

12. Find the proper form of an adjective and mark it.

I think Chinese is the

aimore difficult 6)difficult a) most difficult

most hard harder

13. Find the proper form of an adjective and mark it

For me the city is definitely

than the countryside. ajinteresting 6)more interesting e) most interesting rjlittle

interesting ajmoch interesting

14. Find the proper form of an adjective and mark it.

My toothache is than it was yesterday.

a)painful 6)the most painful amore painful

)much painful ajleast painful

15. Out of the given 5 variants (a, б, в, г, д) choose the one and se the correct form of a pronoun and mark it.

Would you like to drink?

a)nothing 6someone sjanybody

janyone ajanything

16. Out of the given 5 variants (a. 6. a. r. 1) choose the one an

use the correct form of a pronoun and mark it.

The station is here. ajanywhere anything janyone

r'somebody asomewhere

17. Out of the given 5 variants (a. б, в, г, д) choose the one an

use the correct form of a pronoun and mark it

How juice do we have?

a)much 6)many little rjfew se

18. Out of the given 5 variants (a, 6, n. c. x) choose and mark

the proper conjunction

Winter comes early the growing se

is short.

a)and 6)but ajo ja

19. Out of the given 5 variants (A. 6. a. r, a) choose and mark

the proper conjunction.

Most food comes to Alaska from the outside. prices ar


a)and 6)but also rjas ajor

20. Out of the given 5 variants (a, 6. a. t. a) choose and mark

the only modal verb

You do morning exercises every day to

keep fit.

a)must 6)may jis to rought not to ahad

21. Out of the given 5 variants (a, 6, в. к. д) choose and mark

the only modal verb

you help me? -Why, certainly. a)Ought to 6)Can als r)Are a)Might

22. Out of the given 4 variants choose the one

you think to be a suitable modal verb for the given sentence and mark it.

to finish his M.A. degree this year?"

"Yes, or they will cut off his scholarship"

a)Does John have 6)Will John n)Must John

r)Shouldn't John

23. Out of the given 4 variants choose the one

you think to be a suitable modal verb for the

given sentence and mark it.

"Schools teach children the difference

between right and wrong.

a)must 6)can almay r)will

24. Out of the given 5 variants (a, б, в, r, a) choose the tense form you think to be correct

in the given sentence and mark it.


Автор ответа: danaa1168a
1. There was a lot of rain last season. (8)

2. Luckily, we had plenty of money with us. (6)

3. Is there a story about a wolf cub in your library? (r)

4. Will she be here? (a)

5. The boy standing near the window is my brother. (г)

6. English live in Great Britain. (0)

7. There is an umbrella on the chair. Can you give it to me? (a)

8. It is the most interesting book I have. What is it about? (a)

9. I need some flour for the cake. The flour is on the table. (s)

10. "I live along 199 Apple Street." (6)

11. Last summer was much rainier, and I need my umbrella more often now. (r)

12. I think Chinese is the most difficult. (a)

13. For me, the city is more interesting than the countryside. (6)

14. My toothache is more painful than it was yesterday. (r)

15. Would you like to drink anything? (d)

16. The station is somewhere here. (r)

17. How much juice do we have? (a)

18. Winter comes early, but the growing season is short. (6)

19. Most food comes to Alaska from the outside, but prices are high. (6)

20. You must do morning exercises every day to keep fit. (a)

21. Can you help me? -Why, certainly. (6)

22. Shouldn't John finish his M.A. degree this year? (r)

23. Schools can teach children the difference between right and wrong. (6)

24. "Does John have to finish his M.A. degree this year?" - "Yes, or they will cut off his scholarship." (r)
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