Предмет: Русский язык, автор: aleksandryui8

Напишите эссе на тему "Зима" (свое пожалуйста)​


Автор ответа: teodelarose
Зима волшебное время перемен, когда природа облачается в свой хрустальный наряд. Белоснежные покрывала прикрывают землю, создавая атмосферу тишины и спокойствия. Ледяные узоры на окнах словно рассказывают свои собственные истории. Зимние праздники наполняют воздух чувством радости и волшебства, а мягкий свет фонарей тает на снежных дорожках. В это время года природа замирает, словно задумавшись, и приглашает нас отдохнуть, насладиться моментом и встретить новый цикл жизни в тепле весеннего пробуждения. Для меня зима время внутреннего покоя и возможности обрести вдохновение в блеске заснеженного пейзажа.
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In their experiments, the researchers in China fitted the micro robot onto an endoscope (a long tube that can be inserted through bodily openings) and successfully snaked it through a curved pipe into a transparent plastic model of a stomach. There, they used it to print gels loaded with human stomach lining and stomach muscle cells (which were grown in culture by a commercial laboratory) onto a lab dish. The printed cells remained viable and steadily proliferated over the course of 10 days. “This study is the first attempt to combine micro robots and bioprinting together,” Xu says.
The researchers say that mainstream gastric lesion treatments include medications, which can work slowly and are not always very effective; endoscopic surgery, which can only mend relatively small wounds; and endoscopically delivered sprays that staunch bleeding but are of little help in completely healing a larger injury. The hope for in vivo bioprinting is that it might eventually improve on these methods by patching over gastric lesions with living structures that can repair them, Xu says.
Future research could bring the micro robot down to 12 millimeters wide and equip it with cameras and other sensors to help it perform more complex operations, Xu adds. He and lead study author Wenxiang Zhao of Tsinghua University detailed their findings this summer in Biofabrication.
Xu and his colleagues note that the gels they used as bioprinting “ink” were only stable when relatively cool. At normal body temperatures, they were too liquid to form structures well.