Опишите свое хобби, используя сравнительные степени. например Мое хобби — рукоделие. Это проще, чем рисовать. Склейка – самое сложное. Резка – самый простой процесс. Я занимаюсь рукоделием лучше, чем моя сестра. Мои поделки самые лучшие. Люди покупают их.
сможете написать про Рисование? пожалуйста кто нибудь
My hobby is painting, and I find it incredibly fulfilling and captivating. Compared to other forms of art, such as crafting, I believe painting offers a wider range for creativity and self-expression. When it comes to the difficulty level, blending colors is the most challenging aspect I face in painting. Achieving a smooth transition and creating the desired effect can be demanding. On the other hand, sketching serves as the foundation and is the simplest process, allowing me to lay out my composition and initial details. I have dedicated time honing my painting skills, and I must say, I have surpassed my sister in this artistic pursuit. My artworks are regarded as some of the best, and people often appreciate and even purchase them. It humbles and motivates me to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new techniques. Painting has become an integral part of my life, and I feel grateful for the opportunity to share my creations with others.
Не кури
Я художник..мое хобби рисовать природу ..да очень сложная профессия..но интересная..даже иногда рисую портрет на днях я рисовала портрет Монолизы