Предмет: Українська література, автор: g26332894

6. У чому полягає значення давніх літописів для збереження відомостей про життя, культуру, звичаї наших пращурів


Автор ответа: mykhajlokravchenko

1. **Збереження історії:** Літописи фіксують події та важливі етапи історії, допомагаючи нащадкам розуміти формування та розвиток своєї нації.

2. **Вивчення культури та звичаїв:** Літописи містять описи традицій, обрядів, релігійних поглядів, що дозволяє сучасному поколінню отримати уявлення про культурні особливості та життєві цінності минулих поколінь.

3. **Створення ідентичності:** Літописи є важливим елементом формування національної ідентичності, вони допомагають зрозуміти, звідки виникає народ та як формувалися його традиції.

4. **Запобігання забуттю:** Літописи є засобом запобігання забуттю важливих подій та аспектів минулого. Вони виступають як своєрідний архів, що зберігає знання для наступних поколінь.

5. **Джерело для досліджень:** Для істориків та дослідників літописи є цінним джерелом, що надає можливість вивчення соціального, економічного та політичного розвитку минулих епох.

Таким чином, давні літописи виступають своєрідним вікном в минуле, що дозволяє нам зберегти та розуміти спадщину наших предків.

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Placement Test

Grade 7

Test A

1. ________ at school yesterday.

a. Was you

b. Were you

c. Did you

d. Is you

2. The boy ____ cake when his mother came into the room.

a. was eat

b. eats

c. was eating

d. has eating

3. ____ people from Poland went to Scotland in the 20th century.

a. Many of

b. Many

c. Some of

d. ─

4. More and more people ____ divorced every year.

a. are wanting

b. wanting

c. getting

d. are getting

5. I ____ to Peru on holiday next month.

a. am flying

b. flying

c. am go flying

d. will flying

6. The fast food restaurant was _____ dirty. We didn’t eat there.

a. extreme

b. extremely

c. bit

d. very much

7. I ____ sushi.

a. eaten

b. have eat

c. have ever eaten

d. have never eaten

8. I had to ____ a uniform to school when I was younger.

a. have

b. wearing

c. wear

d. having

9. His is a famous actress.

a. aunt

b. uncle

c. grandfather

d. son

10. Helen is very . She doesn’t go out a lot.

a. bored

b. confident

c. angry

d. shy

11. The _______ near our village is beautiful.

a. country

b. woods

c. view

d. countryside

12. I am very ___ in old cars.

a. keen

b. interesting

c. interested

d. fond

13. The house will look cleaner when you have finished the ____.

a. home

b. housewife

c. housework

d. homework

14. Let’s get into ____ garden. It’s sunny outside.

a. a

b. any

c. -

d. the

15. She has ____ finished this week’s report.

a. yet

b. already

c. ever

d. never


Read the text

Levi Roots, a reggae singer from Jamaica, has a big smile on his face these days. In case you missed it, Levi recently appeared on the famous reality show for people with business ideas, Dragon’s Den. The participants have to persuade the team of business experts that their ideas are excellent and hope that two or more of the team will decide to invest money in their business idea.

Levi did just that!

The singer, who has been a successful music artist for several years, also sells something he calls ‘Reggae, reggae sauce’. It is made using special secret ingredients from his grandmother and is a hot Jamaican sauce that is eaten with meat. Until now it has only been possible to buy the sauce from Levi’s website or once a year at the famous Notting Hill carnival. But now, thanks to the TV programme, that is all going to change!

Levi presented his business idea to the team and started with a catchy reggae song about the sauce to make them sit up and listen. He certainly got their attention! He then described his plans for the sauce. This part of his presentation didn’t go so well. He made mistakes with his figures, saying that he already had an order for the sauce of 2 and a half million when in fact he meant 2 and a half thousand! But, the team were still interested and amazingly, two of the team offered to give £50,000 to the plan in exchange for 40% of the company. Mr Roots was ecstatic!

Levi is even happier today. It seems that two of the biggest supermarket chains in the UK are interested in having the sauce on their shelves. In addition to this, Levi is recording the ‘Reggae, reggae sauce’ song and we will soon be able to buy or download this. ‘It’s all about putting music into food,’ says Levi with a big, big smile on his face! And music and food will probably make him a very rich man indeed!

Are the sentences true or false?

16. At the moment Levi isn’t very happy.

17. Levi sells something we can eat.

18. His song is a big success.

19. He sang his song on TV.

20. Some supermarkets want to sell his product.______