XX. Read and translate Text B. Remember the given data to be able to answer the questions. Text B. The Exchange of Gases in the Lungs
The exchange of gases takes place in the alveoli [æl'vi:ǝlai] of the lungs. Oxygen passes into the blood and carbon dioxide passes into the atmospheric air. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is due to the difference of partial (паршиальное) рrеssure of these gases in the alveolar air and in the venous blood. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is higher than in the venous blood. The transfer of oxygen from the atmospheric air into the blood is due to this difference of pressures. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in the venous blood and this enables carbon dioxide to pass from the blood into alveolar air. The process of transfer of gases into the medium ['mi:diam] (cpедa) with a lower partial pressure is called diffusion. Hemoglobin is that substance of the blood which transfers oxygen in the blood. The oxygen capacity of the blood averages to 18-20 millilitres (ml) per 100 g of blood. Carbon dioxide is transferred in combination with hemoglobin and as bicarbonic salts. The combination of oxygen and hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglobin, that of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin carbohemoglobin.
І.А. Прочтите предложение и ответьте на вопросы: The man you see in the classroom teaches us Physiology. 1*. Найдите подлежащие и сказуемые в этом предложении. 2*. Сколько в нем предложений? 3*. Какая зависимость между этими предложениями? 4*. Что опущено между этими предложениями? 5*. Переведите предложение.
Text B is about the exchange of gases in the lungs. It explains how oxygen passes into the blood and carbon dioxide passes into the atmospheric air within the alveoli. The exchange is driven by the difference in partial pressure of these gases in the alveolar air and venous blood. Oxygen transfers from the atmosphere to the blood due to the higher partial pressure in the alveolar air. Conversely, carbon dioxide, with a higher partial pressure in venous blood, moves into the alveolar air. The process is called diffusion.
Hemoglobin plays a crucial role in transferring oxygen in the blood, and carbon dioxide is transferred in combination with hemoglobin as bicarbonic salts. The text introduces the terms oxyhemoglobin for the combination of oxygen and hemoglobin and carbohemoglobin for the combination of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin.
As for the home assignments:
1*. The subject (man) and predicate (teaches) in the given sentence are "The man" and "teaches us Physiology."
2*. There is one sentence in the given statement.
3*. The relationship between the two parts of the sentence is that they form a single declarative statement.
4*. Nothing is omitted between these sentences.
5*. Translation of the sentence: "Человек, которого вы видите в классе, преподает нам физиологию."