Предмет: Литература, автор: proalegshah5853

Питання №4

Чому Гамлет зволікав з убивством Клавдія?
А) Не хотів засмучувати матір.
В) Його гризли сумніви
Б) Шукав слушного часу
Г ) Його душа не готова була до помсти, а він до вбивства людини


Автор ответа: dianabatrin443


відповідь на фото

Або простіше В)

Похожие вопросы
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1. Match the equipment with school subjects.
1 A ball, a rocket, sneakers English
2 A book, a pen and a dictionary Biology
3 An album and watercolours PE
4 A map and a compass Art
5 A map Geography
6 A microscope History

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words in the list: thirteen/ friends/
does/ competition/ coach/ important/ times/ interested/ homework/ fast/
basketball/ sportsman.
My name is Fred. I’m____________ years old and I’m fond of sport. I’m a
good____________ and I go to the swimming pool three ________a week. My
___________Mr Moor is very good. He teaches me to swim ________and helps
me to prepare for the competitions. Last Summer I took the first place in a
swimming ______________in our town. As swimming takes a lot of time, I
sometimes have problems with my ___________. But I have got many_______
And they help me with studying. My parents are also_____________________ in
sport. My father plays______________ and my mother_________ aerobics.
They think that sport is very___________part of our life.

3. Choose the correct modal word.
1 The sky is very dark. It may / might be snowing.
2 You may / should close the window. It is cold in the room.
3 Your brother should / can watch films in English to improve the language.
4 Children must / mustn’t wear a uniform in our school.
5 My sister doesn’t go out, she can / has to do her homework.
6 I might / could drive a car two years ago.

4. Write 8-9 sentences about your school. Tell about your favourite subjects,
teachers, timetable and about the best friend in the class.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: milanaumerla