Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tomasemma

1. Match the equipment with school subjects.
1 A ball, a rocket, sneakers English
2 A book, a pen and a dictionary Biology
3 An album and watercolours PE
4 A map and a compass Art
5 A map Geography
6 A microscope History

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words in the list: thirteen/ friends/
does/ competition/ coach/ important/ times/ interested/ homework/ fast/
basketball/ sportsman.
My name is Fred. I’m____________ years old and I’m fond of sport. I’m a
good____________ and I go to the swimming pool three ________a week. My
___________Mr Moor is very good. He teaches me to swim ________and helps
me to prepare for the competitions. Last Summer I took the first place in a
swimming ______________in our town. As swimming takes a lot of time, I
sometimes have problems with my ___________. But I have got many_______
And they help me with studying. My parents are also_____________________ in
sport. My father plays______________ and my mother_________ aerobics.
They think that sport is very___________part of our life.

3. Choose the correct modal word.
1 The sky is very dark. It may / might be snowing.
2 You may / should close the window. It is cold in the room.
3 Your brother should / can watch films in English to improve the language.
4 Children must / mustn’t wear a uniform in our school.
5 My sister doesn’t go out, she can / has to do her homework.
6 I might / could drive a car two years ago.

4. Write 8-9 sentences about your school. Tell about your favourite subjects,
teachers, timetable and about the best friend in the class.


Автор ответа: demidkanipov

1. Match the equipment with school subjects:

1. A ball, a rocket, sneakers - PE

2. A book, a pen and a dictionary - English

3. An album and watercolors - Art

4. A map and a compass - Geography

5. A map - History

6. A microscope - Biology

2. Fill in the gaps in the text:

My name is Fred. I'm thirteen years old and I'm fond of sport. I'm a good sportsman and I go to the swimming pool three times a week. My coach, Mr. Moor, is very good. He teaches me to swim fast and helps me to prepare for the competitions. Last Summer, I took the first place in a swimming competition in our town. As swimming takes a lot of time, I sometimes have problems with my homework. But I have got many friends, and they help me with studying. My parents are also interested in sport. My father plays basketball, and my mother does aerobics. They think that sport is a very important part of our life.

3. Choose the correct modal word:

1. The sky is very dark. It might be snowing.

2. You should close the window. It is cold in the room.

3. Your brother should watch films in English to improve the language.

4. Children must wear a uniform in our school.

5. My sister doesn't go out; she has to do her homework.

6. I could drive a car two years ago.

4. Write about your school:

My school is a vibrant place of learning with a diverse curriculum. My favorite subjects include English and Biology, where I enjoy exploring literature and understanding the wonders of life. The teachers at my school are dedicated and supportive, especially my English and Biology teachers who make learning engaging.

The timetable is well-structured, allowing a balanced approach to academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. I appreciate the variety of subjects offered, providing a well-rounded education.

My best friend in the class is someone I can rely on for both academic and personal support. We share similar interests and often collaborate on projects. Having a great friend like this makes school a more enjoyable experience.

Overall, my school provides a positive and enriching environment, fostering both academic and personal growth.

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