Помогите пж задание по англискому Задания a и b!!!!!

a) Read again and match the sentences to the words: Yellowstone Grand Canyon, Yellowstone supervolcano, Old Faithful.
- Some people expect it to erupt. (Yellowstone supervolcano)
- This is a beautiful place to go walking. (Yellowstone Grand Canyon)
- You may see animals here. (Yellowstone)
- One day, this may cause a disaster in part of the US. (Yellowstone supervolcano)
- You'll remember seeing this forever. (Old Faithful)
b) Match the words in bold to their meanings: very big, people whose job is to study the physical world, astonishing, explodes, rough paths, a mountain with a hole at the top that sometimes bursts, ruin.
- very big: enormous
- people whose job is to study the physical world: geologists
- astonishing: amazing
- explodes: erupts
- rough paths: trails
- a mountain with a hole at the top that sometimes bursts: volcano
- ruin: destruction