Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: 3828803126
Перекласти речення використовуючи модальні дієслова, будь ласка срочно!!!!!!!!
1. Здається, мої думки не мають для тебе жодного значення.
2. Щось примусило його передумати, якщо він повівся так дивно.
3. Я не чув, щоб про наші наміри згадували у присутності сторонніх осіб.
4. Я хочу, щоб мої вказівки виконували без обговорень.
5. Якщо більш уважно поставитися до його думки, то можна зрозуміти, що вона цілком слушна.
6. Ми дуже поспішали, проте прийшли і побачили, що літак уже прибув і пасажири отримували свій багаж.
7. Її розповідь занадто сумбурна (muddled), щоб хтось зрозумів, що насправді сталося.
8. Погода значно покращилась, незабаром рейси літаків буде відновлено.
9. Вона не хотіла нічого говорити, наче сподівалася, що ніхто ні про що не дізнається.
10. Не покладайтеся на те, що все з’ясується саме собою, вам краще придумати якійсь вихід.
11. Вона не усвідомлює, що ображає всіх, коли починає говорити про особисту роль у цій справі.
12. Усі були дуже схвильовані, тому що події розвивалися зовсім по іншому.
13. Я не помітив нічого дивного, коли виходив з будинку; виявилося, що я був недостатньо обережний.
14. Нам необхідно скористатися його вмінням домовлятися.
15. Тепер, коли всі обставини з’ясувалися, ми можемо спокійно обговорити подальші дії.
16. Схоже, ви домовилися не порадившись ні з ким.
17. Твої слова зворушливі, але ніщо не примусить мене повірити тобі знов.
18. Хто той чоловік, що так сердито розмовляє з Лорою?
19. Ніхто не міг запропонувати, що робити, оскільки всі були дуже вражені.
20. Його засудили за те, що він порушував закони, проте зараз його б не вважали злочинцем
Автор ответа:
1. It seems my thoughts shouldn't matter to you.
2. Something made him reconsider, given how strangely he was behaving.
3. I haven't heard our intentions mentioned in the presence of others.
4. I want my instructions to be followed without discussion.
5. If we pay more attention to his opinion, we can see that it's entirely valid.
6. We were in a hurry, but when we arrived, we saw that the plane had already arrived, and passengers were collecting their baggage.
7. Her account is too muddled for anyone to understand what actually happened.
8. The weather has significantly improved; flights will soon be resumed.
9. She didn't want to say anything, as if hoping that no one would find out.
10. Don't rely on things resolving themselves; you better come up with a solution.
11. She doesn't realize that she offends everyone when she starts talking about her personal role in this matter.
12. Everyone was very excited because events were unfolding quite differently.
13. I didn't notice anything strange when leaving the house; it turns out I wasn't careful enough.
14. We need to make use of his negotiating skills.
15. Now that all the circumstances have been clarified, we can calmly discuss the next steps.
16. It appears you made an agreement without consulting anyone.
17. Your words are touching, but nothing will make me believe you again.
18. Who is the man talking angrily to Laura?
19. Nobody could suggest what to do, as everyone was very impressed.
20. He was convicted for breaking the law, but now he wouldn't be considered a criminal.
2. Something made him reconsider, given how strangely he was behaving.
3. I haven't heard our intentions mentioned in the presence of others.
4. I want my instructions to be followed without discussion.
5. If we pay more attention to his opinion, we can see that it's entirely valid.
6. We were in a hurry, but when we arrived, we saw that the plane had already arrived, and passengers were collecting their baggage.
7. Her account is too muddled for anyone to understand what actually happened.
8. The weather has significantly improved; flights will soon be resumed.
9. She didn't want to say anything, as if hoping that no one would find out.
10. Don't rely on things resolving themselves; you better come up with a solution.
11. She doesn't realize that she offends everyone when she starts talking about her personal role in this matter.
12. Everyone was very excited because events were unfolding quite differently.
13. I didn't notice anything strange when leaving the house; it turns out I wasn't careful enough.
14. We need to make use of his negotiating skills.
15. Now that all the circumstances have been clarified, we can calmly discuss the next steps.
16. It appears you made an agreement without consulting anyone.
17. Your words are touching, but nothing will make me believe you again.
18. Who is the man talking angrily to Laura?
19. Nobody could suggest what to do, as everyone was very impressed.
20. He was convicted for breaking the law, but now he wouldn't be considered a criminal.
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