Предмет: Английский язык, автор: stepa6993

analyze the following lexical units and define the way of word building

3. a help
5.to job - hunt
7.to ex'port - 'export
8. to moo
9. Medicare /medical care/
10. to clatter


Автор ответа: adrisggb
1. Computerization: This is a noun formed by adding the suffix "-ation" to the word "computer." The suffix "-ation" is often used to form nouns indicating a process or the result of an action.

2. Sixteen: This is a numeral that represents the quantity or number 16. It is a basic numeral in English and does not involve any specific word-building process.

3. A help: This is a noun phrase that includes an article "a" and a noun "help." It does not involve any specific word-building process.

4. Interplanetary: This is an adjective formed by adding the prefix "inter-" (meaning between or among) to the word "planetary," which refers to planets. This construction signifies something that occurs or exists between planets.

5. To job-hunt: This is a compound verb formed by combining the noun "job" and the verb "hunt." It describes the action of actively seeking or searching for employment.

6. Mike/Microphone: "Mike" is a shortened form of "microphone." While "microphone" is a compound noun, "mike" is an abbreviation that has become widely accepted in informal language.

7. To export/'export: This is an example of a back-formation, where the prefix "ex-" is removed from "export" to form the verb "to export." The original term "export" was derived from the Latin "ex" (out) and "portare" (to carry).

8. To moo: This is a simple verb that represents the sound made by a cow. It does not involve any specific word-building process.

9. Medicare/Medical care: "Medicare" is a compound noun formed by combining "medical" and "care." It refers to a government program in some countries that provides medical insurance or healthcare coverage for eligible individuals.

10. To clatter: This is a verb that describes the action of making a continuous, loud, and rattling noise. It does not involve any specific word-building process.

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