Предмет: Английский язык, автор: denoz2709

написать текст и рассказать на следующем уроке про страну или город в которой хотели бы быть и подробно рассказать об этой стране​ даю 30б


Автор ответа: gasadbdn
Once, my parents and I were walking through the city. After a long heat, a slight coolness came. We went to the central city park. But how surprised we were when we saw that the familiar alleys were transformed into a kind of craftsmen's quarters. One of the alleys was occupied by blacksmiths' workshops, the neighboring one was chosen by woodcarvers. Potters, embroiderers, cooks, and artists had their alleys. "But this is a real city within a city!" - exclaimed dad. He drew our attention to a colorful stand with signs of alleys - streets of this unusual city. The stand was called: City of Masters. It turned out that the city authorities decided to show us folk crafts in this way. Artisans from all over the region gathered here. Yes, masters of artistic forging in front of everyone's eyes forged wonderful metal ornaments for fences of houses, verandas, and wells. Wood craftsmen not only showed their art, but also revealed the secrets of their skill to everyone. You could buy freshly made various pottery and even try to make something out of clay yourself.
We got stuck in the culinary ranks. And not only because there were a lot of all kinds of delicious products. Anyone could bake a pancake here. It was enough to pick up a special ladle, scoop the ready-made batter from the pot and pour it onto a hot pan, and then, dipped in sour cream, eat the appetizing smelling pancake.
We did not leave the City of Masters empty-handed. Mom bought a towel embroidered with bright threads, several wooden products. But the most important thing is that we were full of impressions. I thought: what if several streets of our city were turned into workshops under the open sky, where folk craftsmen would demonstrate their art! One could just watch their work from the window of the house. And decide for yourself what to be passionate about, occupy your free time, or even turn your passion into a profession.
Автор ответа: Nevermi7d


Certainly! Here's a sample text you can use to talk about a country or city you'd like to visit in more detail on your next lesson in English:


Title: Dream Destination - Tokyo, Japan


Today, I'd like to share with you my dream destination - Tokyo, Japan. Japan is a captivating country known for its rich culture, advanced technology, and unique traditions. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a city that has always fascinated me.


Tokyo is located on the eastern coast of Honshu, the largest of Japan's four main islands. It is a sprawling metropolis that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity.

Culture and Traditions:

One of the aspects that draws me to Tokyo is its vibrant culture and traditions. From ancient temples like Senso-ji in Asakusa to the colorful Harajuku fashion district, Tokyo offers a diverse cultural experience. The tea ceremonies, sumo wrestling matches, and cherry blossom festivals provide a glimpse into Japan's rich heritage.

Technology Hub:

Tokyo is also renowned as a global technology hub. The Akihabara district, often referred to as "Electric Town," is a haven for tech enthusiasts. Japan's contribution to robotics and innovation has left a lasting impact on the world.


Japanese cuisine is another reason I want to visit Tokyo. Sushi, ramen, tempura, and other delightful dishes are a culinary adventure waiting to be explored. Tokyo offers a wide range of dining experiences, from street food stalls to Michelin-starred restaurants.


Tokyo's efficient and extensive public transportation system, including the iconic Shinkansen (bullet trains), makes it easy to explore the city and travel to other parts of Japan.


In summary, Tokyo, Japan, is my dream destination due to its captivating blend of culture, technology, cuisine, and traditions. I hope to visit this incredible city one day to immerse myself in the beauty and uniqueness of Tokyo. There's so much to explore and discover in this extraordinary part of the world.


I hope you find this presentation about Tokyo, Japan, intriguing, and I look forward to discussing it in more detail during our next lesson!

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