Предмет: Английский язык, автор: studeeejwba

Помогите пожалуйста! (4 класс) ​


alinkalubika: Скинь завдання 4 там воно потрібно


Автор ответа: alinkalubika


1.напиши ім'я твоїх братів, сестер та батьків.

Наприклад: My brother's names are Dima and Oleg. I have a sister too, her name is Marina. My parentses names are Andrei and Nadia

2.Фізичний опис = як ти вигдядаєш. Приклад: i have brown eyes.

3. Ти та школа= предмет які любиш і не любиш.

приклад: i like biologi, but i dislike math

4. Твоя щоденна рутина: що ти робиш кожен день.


i go to school every day

Пояснення: в четвертому класі у мене з англійської мови були в основному 12 балів)

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: leadersia5566
перевод текста

What are you going to do today? Perhaps you'll
email your friends, watch a DVD or listen to your
MP3 player. It's likely that sometime soon you're
going to surf the Net. Today, we take new
technology for granted, so you may be surprised
to learn that 50% of the people in the world have
still never even used a telephone!
There is a huge gap between those who have
access to new technology and those who don't. It
is called the 'Digital Divide'. The truth is that fewer
than 17% of the people in the world can actually
use the Internet.
To go online, you need a computer, the right
software, a phone line, a modem and a subscription
to an Internet service provider. These aren't
cheap and a lot of people, especially
in poor countries, just can't afford
Then, there's the language
barrier. Four-fifths of all
websites are in
and many people around the world cannot even
read or write in their own language, let alone a
foreign language. If people can't read, it will be
hard to teach them how to use a computer.
The technology gap also exists simply because
many people do not understand how technology
can help them. They have an old-fashioned way of
thinking and cannot imagine the difference
technology will make to their lives.
Education is the key. Governments, IT
industries and educational institutions should
work together to educate people and train them
and at the same time introduce local languages
into computer usage. When we bridge the digital
divide, then everyone will have equal opportunities
and the power that technology brings.
Only 3.6% of nearly a billion people in Africa
have Internet access.
0.1% of these have broadband.
Almost 70% of the people in North America
have Internet access.
• Africa, parts of Asia, South America and the
Middle East are the least connected.
77% of the world's population has access to
a mobile phone network.
• 56.5% of the world's population live in Asia
but only 10% of them have Internet
* Information Technology