Pocahontas эссе 15придложение
Pocahontas is easily one of the most well-known Native American figures, in both history and popular culture. Her image as a brave young woman standing up to her father in order to save the life of a strange Englishman in a strange marriage of the Old and New World has become rooted in American culture to such a great degree that few question or look deeper into her history. The real story of Pocahontas is steeped in historical uncertainties and dubious sources, with much of the information that is known about her having multiple interpretations. Pocahontas is historically different from her modern image in the near-execution of John Smith, in the misconceptions of those who encountered her, her age, and her visual image. Pocahontas’s story, in both history and legend, begins with her supposedly saving the life of the English explorer John Smith. John Smith’s account lines up largely with the modern idea of this event, wherein Pocahontas intervened in what appeared to be an attempt by Powhatan, her father, to order his execution (Smith 49). Modern legend characterizes this as a heroic act that brought two cultures together. However, historical records generally indicate that this was “probably party of a traditional Indian adoption…show more content…
Both the Disney movie and the adult portrait of her done by Simon van de Passe have created a visage of Pocahontas that is entirely adult (Lewis). In reality, this could not be further from the truth. Pocahontas was not an adult when she interacted with John Smith.