Помогите с заданием в розово жёлтой таблички очень надо!
Даю 45 балов!

1. Does my best friend always buy me birthday presents?
2 Is it raining right now?
3 Are we learning English verbs in school?
4 Does your brother play computer games after school?
5 Are we playing a football game tonight?
6. Do you listen to your i-Pod when you are doing your homework?
7. Are my parents painting the bedroom at the moment?
8 Is the dog running after the cat?
9 Does the dog always chase cats?
10 Does your father make breakfast on Sunday?
11 Is your father making breakfast now?
12 Does it often snow during the winter?
13 Is it snowing now?
14 Do your brother and sister have new bikes?
15 Are they riding their bikes now?
16. Are you getting tired of the present tense verbs?
Здесь отрабатывается употребление вспомогательных глаголов в настоящем (Simple and Continuous) времени
Смотрим на форму смыслового глагола и
- если у него окончание -ing, то на первом месте ставим глагол to be ( Is-he, she, it; Are - we, you, they) - Present Continuos
- если нет окончания -ing, то на первом месте ставим глагол Do (I, you, they, we) или Does (he, she, it) - Present Simple