11. П. Мейбл подошла к Ленни до того, как он проснулся, и с любопытством смотрела на него. 12. К тому времени, когда Ленни вернулся домой, Мейбл стала здоровой восемнадцатилетней девушкой. 13. Когда Ленни проснулся, его мать уже встала и приготовляла чай. 14. Лекни был рад увидеть места, где он играл в детстве. 15. Ленни наблюдал за людьми, окружавшими его. Среди них была Фиета. Он видел ее раньше. 16. Ленни был поражен: Фиета выразила то, что он смутно чувствовал. 17. «Я как раз собирался послать за вами», — сказал священник. 18. Священник сказал Ленни: «Среди нас никогда не было образованного человека». 19. Ленни провел много лет в Кейптауне, и бедность и страдания его народа производили на него тяжелое впечатление
translate into english
12. By the time Lenny returned home, Mabel had become a healthy eighteen-year-old girl.
13. When Lenny woke up, his mother was already up and preparing tea.
14. Lenny was pleased to see the places where he played as a child.
15. Lenny observed the people around him. Among them was Fieta. He had seen her before.
16. Lenny was struck by how Fieta expressed what he had vaguely felt.
17. "I was just about to send for you," said the priest.
18. The priest told Lenny, "We have never had an educated person among us."
19. Lenny had spent many years in Cape Town, and the poverty and suffering of his people made a strong impression on him.
Here are the sentences translated into English:
11. P. Mabel approached Lenny before he woke up and looked at him with curiosity.
12. By the time Lenny returned home, Mabel had become a healthy eighteen-year-old girl.
13. When Lenny woke up, his mother had already gotten up and was preparing tea.
14. Lekni was glad to see the places where he played in his childhood.
15. Lenny observed the people around him. Among them was Fietta. He had seen her before.
16. Lenny was struck by how Fietta expressed what he had vaguely felt.
17. "I was just about to send for you," the priest said.
18. The priest told Lenny, "We have never had an educated person among us."
19. Lenny spent many years in Cape Town, and the poverty and suffering of his people made a deep impression on him.