очень срочно!!!!!! ;Заданий из Active Voice утворити Passive Voice: I bought a bar of chocolate yesterday. Nobody cleaned this street last week. Mary bought her car last winter. My mum often washes dishes, She fixed the computer last night. max studies English every day.
Passive voice :
A bar of chocolate was bought by me yesterday.
This street was cleaned by nobody last week.
Mary'car was bought by her last winter.
Dishes are often washed by mum.
The computer was fixed by her last night.
English is studied by Max every day.
Объяснение :
В английском языке существует два залога — активный (active voice) и пассивный или страдательный (passive voice). В активном залоге действие выполняет подлежащее. В пассивном залоге действие происходит над подлежащим :
•She asked her students to come earlier. — Она попросила студентов прийти раньше. (активный залог)
•The students were asked to come earlier. — Студентов попросили прийти раньше. (пассивный залог)
Чтобы образовать Passive Voice в английском языке, нужно использовать формулу: to be в нужном времени, числе и лице + Participle II смыслового глагола (V3/V-ed).
The book was written by Conan Doyle.