You will hear a woman called Janet Naylor talking about her experience as a volunteer in Tanzania. For questions 1-8, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Janet can now do voluntary work because she is free of (1) comitments Most of Janet's friends were (2) interesting by her decision to volunteer. Janet disagrees with people who say that she is (3). Janet advised on a project to improve (4). The scheme aimed to make the villagers less (5) The villagers had relied on (6) _crops Janet's job was to help the villagers sell any (7). Janet believes that the (8). the people she is trying to help.. in a farming community. on outside assistance. from charities to survive. crops. of the village have been changed dramatically by the s

1. Commitments. "I’m in my late 50s now and I don’t have the commitments that have previously held me back"
2. Impressed. "The reaction of my friends to the news was very interesting. The majority of them told me how impressed they were"
3. Patronising. "But a few clearly disapproved of what I was doing. They argued that I was patronising Africans by intervening and telling them how to run their lives."
4. Water supply. "It involved building concrete tanks to capture water during the wet season with the aim of reducing the problem of drought during the rest of the year."
5. Dependent. "With better irrigation would come more reliable crops, so that the villagers wouldn’t be so dependent on international aid."
6. Handouts. "The whole region was on the brink of starvation and handouts from charities were the only thing that kept people alive"
7. Surplus. "my brief was to suggest ways in which the villagers could market any agricultural production that was surplus to their own requirements – any food that they didn’t need themselves. "
8. Prospects. "It’s very gratifying to know that the scheme has completely transformed its prospects, and the village is now well on its way to becoming a thriving community."