1 Look at the travel website. Complete the text with the phrases in the box. #enjoy book 'll include 'll want to do are 'll have bring feel won't be disappointed 're looking for 'll love like 'll give aren't Divers Deep Sea Discovery Do you like adventure and pushing yourself to the limit? If your answer is yes, you'll enjoy this unusual 5-night break. Our luxurious boats will take you to the best locations to see the most magnificent ocean creatures. *If you 2 you 3 incredible marine life. *If you 5 experience of a lifetime! in their natural environment. *If you 9 *If you brave enough, you' the opportunity to get close to one of the world's most powerful predators, the great white shark, in complete safety. Our best deal ever! *If you 10 learning new skills, you our one-day scuba diving course. You'll receive a certificate at the end of the course. a 10% discount. an unforgettable experience, _! This deep water site is full of *If you " 12 passionate about sea life, you seeing sharks, dolphins, and whales *If you ¹3 trip, we 14 a friend, we'll give you both before the end of the month, we free underwater photos of your dive. completely satisfied with your you your money back. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime! What are you waiting for? Book now!

2 're looking for
3 won't be disappointed
4 feel
5 'll love
6 aren't
7 'll have
8 like
9 'll want to do
10 bring
11 book
12 'll include
13 aren't
14 'll give
Do you like adventure and pushing yourself to the limit? If your answer is yes, (1) you'll enjoy this unusual 5-night break. Our luxurious boats will take you to the best locations to see the most magnificent ocean creatures.
*If (2) you're looking for an unforgettable experience, you (3) won't be disappointed! This deep water site is full of incredible marine life.
*If you (4) feel passionate about sea life, you (5) 'll love seeing sharks, dolphins, and whales in their natural environment.
*If you (6) aren't brave enough, you (7) 'll have the opportunity to get close to one of the world's most powerful predators, the great white shark, in complete safety.
*If you (8) like learning new skills, you (9) 'll want to do our one-day scuba diving course. You'll receive a certificate at the end of the course.
Our best deal ever!
* If you (10) bring a friend, we'll give you both a 10% discount.
*If you (11) book before the end of the month, we (12) 'll include free underwater photos of your dive.
*If you (13) aren't completely satisfied with your trip, we (14) 'll give you your money back.
Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime! What are you waiting for? Book now!
Любите приключения и доходить до предела своих возможностей? Если ваш ответ да, (1) вам понравится этот необычный пятидневный отпуск. Наши роскошные лодки доставят вас в лучшие места, где вы увидете самые великолепные морские существа.
*Если (2) вы ищете незабываемых впечатлений, то вы (3) не будете разочарованы! Этот глубоководный участок полон невероятных морских обитателей.
* Если вы (4) увлечены морской жизнью, вам (5) понравится наблюдать за акулами, дельфинами и китами в их естественной среде.
* Если вы (6) недостаточно смелы, у вас (7) будет возможность приблизиться к одному из самых могущественных хищников в мире, большой белой акуле, в полной безопасности.
* Если вам (8) нравится изучать новые навыки, вы (9) захотите пройти наш однодневный курс подводного плавания. Вы получите сертификат в конце курса.
Наше лучшее предложение!
* Если вы (10) приведете друга, мы дадим вам обоим скидку 10%.
* Если вы (11) забронируете поездку до конца месяца, мы (12) предоставим бесплатные фотографии вашего погружения.
*Если вы (13) будете не полностью удовлетворены своей поездкой, мы (14) вернем ваши деньги.
Не пропустите приключение на всю жизнь! Чего же вы ждете? Бронируйте поездку прямо сейчас!