Предмет: Химия, автор: oivgh2551

Вкажіть , що є ознакою реакції взаємодії оцтової кислоти з натрій карбонатом


Автор ответа: zxcgylll


При присутності фенолфталіну змінюється забарвлення розчину, а також випадає осад. Ацетат натрію

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Выберите верные утверждения, относящиеся к половому процессу.
1). В головке сперматозоида млекопитающих расположена акросома.
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Сколько типов гамет образуют особи с генотипом KkLlMm?
Какой закон описывается в данном тексте: «На стадии зиготы человек
как бы соответствует простейшим, на стадии бластулы – колониальным
жгутиковым, на стадии гаструлы – кишечнополостным. Потом у
будущего ребёнка появляются хорда и жаберные щели, т.е. он становится
похожим на ланцетника».
1). Закон эволюционного развития
2). Закон единообразия
3). Закон зародышевого сходства
4). Биогенетический закон
5). Закон физико-химического единства живого вещества
Выберите признаки, которые характеризуют модификационную
1). Затрагивает геном особи
2). Конкретное изменение не наследуется
3). Происходит благодаря слиянию гамет
4). Является случайным ненаправленным изменением ДНК
5). Носит групповой характер
6). Пределы изменения ограничены нормой реакции
Выберите характеристики, используемые для описания методов
клеточной или генной инженерии.
1). Гибридизация культур клеток
2). Скрещивание организмов
3). Выведение гетерозисных сортов
4). Перенос ядра из одной клетки в другую
5). Статистический подсчет полученных фенотипических классов
6). Заражение клеток модифицированным вирусом
Установите последовательность действий, которые необходимо
предпринять при селекции кукурузы.
1). Выведение нескольких чистых линий
2). Получение высокопродуктивных гетерозисных гибридов
3). Инбридинг растений (повторные циклы инбридинга)
4). Скрещивание чистых линий разных сортов
5). Подбор растений исходного сорта со средней урожайностью
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shishinin03
1) Read and translate.(Переводписьменно) The term industrial equipment covers a very wide range of devices. These can include everything from ball bearings and air tools to large bulldozers, cranes, cement mixers and backhoes and just about everything in between such as compressors, check valves, couplings, dollies and dust collectors. Basically, just about any type of device that is used in the industrial world could be considered to be industrial equipment. Some types of industrial equipment are operated by manual labor while others are power-generated. All types of tools and equipment devices have been developed and used by man since prehistoric times however the first forms of modern industrial equipment were born along with the Industrial Revolution, which took place in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. This major technological and cultural change introduced the world to machinery, which was created to replace and help make manual labor easier. Steam power and powered machinery was suddenly developed for the manufacturing world and with it came the first industrial metal machine tools and industrial equipment. As the industrial world began to grow new types of equipment and machinery were developed. These tools and equipment were designed to be powered by human and animal power along with such things as electrical, solar, nuclear and water energy. Some devices are operated manually while others such as robotics can be programmed to perform their functions automatically. Some types of equipment such as levers and hammers are simple tools while others such as hydraulic motors are pieces of complex machinery. While many articles of industrial equipment such as ladders, power tools, hand tools, heaters, generators, and compressors can be used around your home, office, cottage and garden, some devices are built to a much larger scale and are made specifically for use in industrial settings. Some of these articles include industrial heaters, industrial carts, industrial forklifts, industrial vacuum cleaners, industrial presses, industrial boilers, industrial ovens, industrial furnaces and industrial scales etc. However, no matter where you use them, the one thing that all articles of industrial equipment have in common is that they were built and designed to make manual labor become faster and easier. 2)Make the plan of the text.(составитьплантекста) 3)Using the plan, retell the text. 4)Fillthegaps.(заполнить пропуски. Писать весь текст, пропуски заполненные подчеркнуть) 1) All types of tools and equipment …. have been developed and used by man since …. times however the first forms of …. industrial equipment were born along with the Industrial …., which took place in ... during the 18th and 19th centuries. This major ... and cultural change introduced the world to …., which was created to replace and help make …. labor easier. Steam power and powered machinery was …. developed for the manufacturing world and with it … the first industrial …. machine tools and industrial equipment.While many …. of industrial equipment such as ladders, power tools, hand tools, …., generators, and compressors can be use ….your home, office, cottage and …., some devices are built to a much …. scale and are made specifically for use in …. settings. Some of these articles include industrial heaters, industrial carts, industrial…., industrial …. cleaners, industrial presses, industrial boilers, industrial …., industrial furnaces and industrial …. etc. However, no matter where you use them, the one …. that all articles of industrial equipment have in ... is that they were built and designed to make manual labor…. fasterandeasier.