Предмет: Английский язык, автор: markymnik4154

1 Read, choose and complete. • port • feathers • maze floating • wet . prisoners . wings • melt • frames • drowned 1 Daedalus built a maze in the palace of King Minos. 2 King Minos kept Daedalus and his son Icarus as 3 Daedalus couldn't leave the island because the King's men guarded the 4 Daedalus decided to build huge 5 Daedalus gathered 6 He built wooden 7 Daedalus told Icarus if he flew too close to the sea water, he would 8 Daedalus also told his son if he flew too high, the hot sun would 9 Icarus didn't listen and he fell into the sea and 10 Daedalus saw the feathers on the island of Crete. and fly away. to build his wings. and stuck the feathers on them with wax his feathers his wings on the water and was heartbroke


Автор ответа: viktorbalta5


1 Daedalus built a maze in the palace of King Minos.

2 King Minos kept Daedalus and his son Icarus as prisoners.

3 Daedalus couldn't leave the island because the King's men guarded the port.

4 Daedalus decided to build huge wings.

5 Daedalus gathered feathers.

6 He built wooden frames.

7 Daedalus told Icarus if he flew too close to the sea water, he would get wet.

8 Daedalus also told his son if he flew too high, the hot sun would melt his wings.

9 Icarus didn't listen and he fell into the sea and drowned.

10 Daedalus saw the feathers floating on the water and was heartbroken.


you welcome

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