Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kpoznak744

Writing. Semester 2 1. Look at the table and make up 3 sentences about Annie's learning activity. (Розглянь таблицю і склади З речення про навчальну діяльність Енні) Annie often always sometimes to use the computer to learn poetry by heart to borrow books from the library V Introduction ( Вступ) V 2. Imagine you visited a place in the United Kingdom which you really liked. Write a letter to your friend about it (6-7 sentences). Do not write any dates and addresses. Use the plan below: (Уявіть, що ви відвідали Великобританію і вам сподобалось це місце. Напишіть листа другу ( 6-7 речень за поданим планом, не вказуючи дату і адресу. Користуйтесь вивченим матеріалом підручника) V Para ( абзац)1: where the place is situated and why you went there. Main body (Головна частина) Para 2: further details about the place; weather conditions. Para 3: what you saw and what you did there. Conclusion (Заключна частина) Para 4: how you feel about the place and whether you recommend to visit it or not.​



Автор ответа: Victoriabellydancer7



1. Annie always uses the computer to learn.

2. Annie sometimes learns poetry by heart.

3. Annie often borrows books from the library.

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you my recent visit to a wonderful place in the United Kingdom that left a lasting impression on me.

The place I visited is situated in the picturesque countryside of the UK. I went there because I had heard great things about its natural beauty and rich history. It was a perfect destination for exploring and immersing myself in the local culture.

During my visit, the weather conditions were quite pleasant. The sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze that added to the overall charm of the place. It made my experience even more enjoyable.

I had the opportunity to see some incredible landmarks and attractions. The historical sites were captivating, and the architecture was truly remarkable. I also took part in various activities, such as guided tours and outdoor adventures, which allowed me to fully appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.

Overall, I must say that I felt a deep sense of awe and admiration for this place. The combination of its natural landscapes and cultural heritage was truly captivating. I highly recommend visiting this place to anyone who has a love for history, breathtaking scenery, and immersive experiences.

I hope you get the chance to visit this remarkable place one day. I am confident that you will be as enchanted by it as I was.

Take care and keep in touch.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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