Writing. Semester 2 1. Look at the table and make up 3 sentences about Annie's learning activity. (Розглянь таблицю і склади З речення про навчальну діяльність Енні) Annie often always sometimes to use the computer to learn poetry by heart to borrow books from the library V Introduction ( Вступ) V 2. Imagine you visited a place in the United Kingdom which you really liked. Write a letter to your friend about it (6-7 sentences). Do not write any dates and addresses. Use the plan below: (Уявіть, що ви відвідали Великобританію і вам сподобалось це місце. Напишіть листа другу ( 6-7 речень за поданим планом, не вказуючи дату і адресу. Користуйтесь вивченим матеріалом підручника) V Para ( абзац)1: where the place is situated and why you went there. Main body (Головна частина) Para 2: further details about the place; weather conditions. Para 3: what you saw and what you did there. Conclusion (Заключна частина) Para 4: how you feel about the place and whether you recommend to visit it or not.

1. Annie always uses the computer to learn.
2. Annie sometimes learns poetry by heart.
3. Annie often borrows books from the library.
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you my recent visit to a wonderful place in the United Kingdom that left a lasting impression on me.
The place I visited is situated in the picturesque countryside of the UK. I went there because I had heard great things about its natural beauty and rich history. It was a perfect destination for exploring and immersing myself in the local culture.
During my visit, the weather conditions were quite pleasant. The sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze that added to the overall charm of the place. It made my experience even more enjoyable.
I had the opportunity to see some incredible landmarks and attractions. The historical sites were captivating, and the architecture was truly remarkable. I also took part in various activities, such as guided tours and outdoor adventures, which allowed me to fully appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.
Overall, I must say that I felt a deep sense of awe and admiration for this place. The combination of its natural landscapes and cultural heritage was truly captivating. I highly recommend visiting this place to anyone who has a love for history, breathtaking scenery, and immersive experiences.
I hope you get the chance to visit this remarkable place one day. I am confident that you will be as enchanted by it as I was.
Take care and keep in touch.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]