помогите пожалуйста бистрее, 100 балов

1. I see you're wearing a new suit. You look very professional.
B: Thank you.
2. A: Why are you seeing a client after work? Can you smell the soap?
B: It smells fantastic, just like flowers.
3. A: Do you enjoy your new job? Are you enjoying working with children?
B: Yes, I enjoy my new job. I enjoy working with children.
4. A: Kim is such an easy-going person.
B: Not today. It seems she is really moody with everyone.
5. A: I'm thinking of going on holiday to Egypt.
B: I don't think it's a very good idea. I'm having problems with my kitchen sink.
6. A: I have a problem with my kitchen sink. Can you help me?
B: Not really, but I have the phone number of a good plumber who can.
7. A: You appear to have a rash on your face. Are you alright?
B: Yes, I'm just nervous because I'm appearing on a TV quiz show later today.
8. A: Why aren't you tasting the sauce, Mum? It tastes a bit bland. I think it needs more salt.
B: I'm not tasting the sauce because I'm busy cooking. It tastes a bit bland, but I'll add more salt.