Даю 40 балов! напишите электроное письмо своему английскому другу по переписке в котором вы опишите дом вашего друга
Hi John,
I hope you are well and enjoying your time in England. I would like to tell you about the latest events in my life.
I recently graduated from university and received my diploma. It was a long and intensive process, but I feel very satisfied with what I did.
Also, I decided to take a short break from studying and go on a trip with my friends. We traveled to Spain and visited many interesting places such as Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and culture of the country.
In addition, I also started a new job at a software development company. This is a very exciting and challenging task, and I am very happy that I can develop in this area.
How are you doing? What is new? I hope we can meet soon and share news.
Best regards