Перекласти, поставити запитання, написати дві відповіді 1 студенти вчаться в університеті.2 мої батьки працюють на заводі. 3 лелеки повертаються кожної весни.4 Ведмідь щоосені .5 Олег і Діма щодня ходять до озера 6 Дев'ятий клас погано учиться. 7 моя подруга займається танцями. 8 Взимку вода замерзає
- Students study at the university.
- My parents work at the factory.
- Storks return every spring.
- The bear hibernates in the autumn.
- Oleg and Dima walk to the lake every day.
- The ninth grade studies poorly.
- My friend is taking dance lessons.
- Water freezes in winter.
Поставити запитання:
- Where do students study?
- Where do my parents work?
- When do storks return?
- What does the bear do in the autumn?
- What do Oleg and Dima do every day?
- How well does the ninth grade study?
- What is my friend doing?
- What happens to water in winter?
Дві відповіді:
- Students study at the university. / They study at the university.
- My parents work at the factory. / They work at the factory.
- Storks return every spring. / They return every spring.
- The bear hibernates in the autumn. / It hibernates in the autumn.
- Oleg and Dima walk to the lake every day. / They walk to the lake every day.
- The ninth grade studies poorly. / They study poorly.
- My friend is taking dance lessons. / She is taking dance lessons.
- Water freezes in winter. / It freezes in winter.