Предмет: Информатика, автор: taniromarov2009

разботайте блок-схему для нахождения алгоритма Евклида​


Автор ответа: cmykhailyshynsolomii


Конечный алгоритм Евклида нахождения наибольшего общего делителя двух чисел выглядит следующим образом:

1. Задать два числа a и b

2. Пока b не станет равным нулю, повторять следующее:

1. Найти остаток от деления a на b

2. Присвоить a значение b

3. Присвоить b значение остатка

3. Вывести значение a, которое будет наибольшим общим делителем двух исходных чисел.

Для этого алгоритма можно составить следующую блок-схему:


| Задать a и b |





| b == 0? |


| |

| v

| Вывести a




| Найти остаток |

| a % b |





| Присвоить a = b|





| Присвоить b = |

| a % b |







Эта блок-схема показывает основную структуру алгоритма, которая будет выполняться до тех пор, пока b не станет равным нулю. После этого наибольший общий делитель двух чисел будет равен a.

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Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения после него. Обведите букву (a, b, c) соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

David, a twelve-year-old boy, and his mother Linda like running. Sometimes David and Linda run together and they really enjoy it but for different reasons.
David is very good at running. He is very fast. In his school there are a lot of running competitions. David usually wins them. He is the best runner in his school. One day a new student came to David’s class. Everyone thought he was a very fast runner. But in the race David still came first and beat him.
Running makes David happy because he is fairly good at this sport. When he wins a running competition, he feels very proud.
His mother enjoys running too. But she likes running because it is good for her health. It makes her heart strong and makes her feel well.
David likes to sprint. He likes to run very fast. He thinks it’s very exciting. He is good
At starting at the right moment just when the starter says: “On your marks, get set, go!”
Linda enjoys running long distances. She doesn’t try to run fast. She tries to run far. She usually runs more than 1 kilometer. Sometimes she runs 4 or 5 kilometers. She enjoys running slowly.
One Saturday the school held a race. It was a 3 km race. Students and parents were both invited to run. David really wanted to run with his mother. He boasted he would beat her, but Linda just smiled.
So they went to race. The starter yelled: “On your marks, get set, go!” David was ready, the race began. David started running fast. He ran the first kilometer. He looked back to see his mother. She was far behind. During the second kilometer David slowed down. His mother was catching up! “Come on!” she smiled when she was passing by. David tried to run very fast but he couldn’t catch up with her. Soon Linda crossed the finish line. She looked back to see David. He was running very slowly. “You can do it!” she shouted. David heard her and smiled. Finally he crossed the finish line.
“Not too bad, for an old lady!” Linda said.
“Hey, mum! Will you teach me to run like you?” David answered.
Linda smiled at her son and said: “Of course!”
1. David sometimes runs with his ______________
a) classmate
b) best friend
c) parent
2. David’s new classmate ran _________________
a) faster than David
b) slower than David _________________
c) as fast as David ___________________
3. Linda likes running because ____________
a) it is healthy
b) she likes competitions
c) she wants to win a race

4. Linda doesn’t like running ______________
a) fast
b) slowly
c) far
5. The school race was ____________
a) 5 km
b) 4 km
c) 3 km
6. David crossed the finish line ___________
a) before his mother
b) after his mother
c) together with his mother