кто зробе дам 15 балов

1. I work in a hospital. I treat sick people. I am a doctor.
2. I work in a school. I teach English. I am an
English teacher.
3. I work in a restaurant. I cook food. I am a chef.
4. I drive a car. I drive people to where they want to go. I am a taxi driver.
5. I wear a uniform. I catch criminals. I am a police officer.
6. I fly to many countries. I work in a cockpit. I am a pilot.
7. I take your order at a restaurant and I bring your food. I am a waiter.
8. I grow crops and keep animals. I am a
9. I put out fires and drive a big red truck. I am a firefighter.
10. I fly in a rocket and go to space. I am an astronaut.
11. I deliver letters and parcels to people's houses. I am a postman.
12. I work in an airplane but I am not a pilot. I am a flight attendant.
13. I study at school and learn from teachers. I am a student.
14. I bake bread and cakes. I am a baker.
15. I cut men's hair and shave their beards. I am a barber.