Предмет: Английский язык, автор: abv7123

Japanese Eco-Miracle Japan has reached the highest level of garbage sorting worldwide. There is no ordinary landfill on the streets of cities, as all waste is collected differentially. Locals carry waste at certain times in transparent bags (33)_______. On a particular day, a specific type of garbage is accepted. Garbage bags have different sizes and colours, depending on the category. There are different types of waste sorting in different municipalities in the country. For example, residents of the Japanese city of Kamikatsu sort all the garbage into 29 different categories, and then bring the sorted waste themselves to a recycling centre, (34)_________ and dump them into large tanks. In addition, Kamikatsu has a Kuru-Kuru shop, (35)_________ and other residents can come and pick them up for free. Immediately from old clothes, flags and even fishing raincoats they sew «new»> clothes, toys or bags that can be obtained for free. In the wake of conscious waste management, Japanese manufacturers are actively developing biodegradable polymers. So, the leading Japanese manufacturer Kaneka Corporation has developed biodegradable polymer (PHBH), (36)________. It decomposes under the action of tiny microorganisms that break it down into water and carbon dioxide in natural environments, such as soil or seawater. Broken household appliances and electronic equipment in Japan are taken away from the population by special utilizers to a recycling plant, (37). The non-recyclable waste is used for building the «garbage islands». The known artificial islands are Haghisima and Yumenosima. On the first, there is a metallurgical plant, and on the second - a greenhouse, a park and a museum. Local governments conclude voluntary pollution control agreements with companies in the region. And here the principle is very effective the polluter pays. This forces companies (38). To redure the emissions of plants that pollute the water and the area with chemical materials, including plastic, the renewable energy sector is actively developing. Today, Japan, with its significant technological development and industrialization, is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. A to develop technologies to meet environmental standards B where residents can leave the items they do not need C where it is dismantled into small components and recycled D while they are recycled and transformed into useful things E where workers check to see if there are any unnecessary things F which is 100% derived from plants G creating mechanisms to meet demands of recycling H so that the garbage trucks can see what lies inside​


Автор ответа: bxsaidkhon20


33. H so that the garbage trucks can see what lies inside

34. B where residents can leave the items they do not need

35. E where workers check to see if there are any unnecessary things

36. F which is 100% derived from plants

37. C where it is dismantled into small components and recycled

38. A to develop technologies to meet environmental standards

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