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со словами: television, plane, electric light, car, camera
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1. Who was the electric light invented by? - It was invented by Thomas Edison.
When was it invented? - It was invented in 1879.
2. Who was the car invented by? - It was invented by Karl Benz.
When was it invented? - It was invented in 1885.
3. Who was the plane invented by? - It was invented by The Wright brothers.
When was it invented? - It was invented in 1903.
4. Who was the television invented by? - It was invented by John Logie Baird.
When was it invented? - It was invented in 1925.
What is a television?
A television is an electronic device used for broadcasting visual images and sound.
How does a plane work?
A plane works by using its engines to create thrust, which generates lift that allows it to take off and stay in the air.
Who invented the electric light?
The electric light was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879.
What is a car?
A car is a motorized vehicle used for transportation on roads.
How does a camera work?
A camera works by using a lens to focus light onto a photosensitive surface, which captures the image and converts it into a digital or film format.