написати 10 речень на англійській мові із some,any
1.Could you give me some advice on how to study for this exam?
2.Would you like any help with your homework?
3.I have some free time this afternoon, do you want to grab a coffee?
4.Is there any milk left in the fridge?
5.Do you have some spare change for the parking meter?
6.Let's go to the store and buy some snacks for the party.
7.I don't have any experience with coding, but I'm willing to learn.
8.Could you please give me some information about the train schedule?
9.We don't have any more pizza left, but we can order some more.
10.I'm not sure if I have any pencils left, I'll have to check my backpack.
1. Could you give me some water, please? I'm feeling quite thirsty.
2. I don't have any money on me right now, sorry.
3. Would you like some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.
4. I don't know if I have any spare time this weekend, but I'll check my schedule and let you know.
5. There aren't any good movies playing at the theater right now, unfortunately.
6. Can you think of some ideas for our next project?
7. I'm not sure if I have any experience in that field, but I'll take a look at my resume to see.
8. Would you like some help with your homework? I'm pretty good at math.
9. I didn't receive any emails from you yesterday, did you send them to the right address?
10. Let me know if you need any assistance with booking your travel arrangements.
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