Предмет: Физика, автор: leramarisaia

Завдання 1 (1 бал)
Яка формула є математичним записом визначення сили струму,
Г. 1 =1
A. I = -
Б. U = -
Рис. 29
Завдання 2 (2 бали)
На рис. 29 показана шкала амперметра, приєднаного послідовно
до резистора опором 5 Ом. Якою є напруга на резисторi?
A. 0,5 B.
Б. 2 В.
B. 12,5 B.
Г. 15 В.
B. I =
Puc. 30
Завдання 3 (2 бали)
На рис. 30 наведено графіки залежності сили струму від напруги для
двох резисторів. Порівняйте опори цих резисторів.
A. R = 9R2.
B. R2 = 3R,.
Б. R = 3R2.
Г. R2 = 9R..
Завдання 4 (2 бали)
Якою є довжина мідного проводу з площею поперечного перерізу
0,2 мм², якщо його опір дорівнює 17 Ом?
Завдання 5 (3 балл)
Два резистори з'єднані паралельно і приєднані до джерела постійної
напруги 9 в. Сила струму в першому резисторi дорівнює 150 мА. Яким
є опір другого резистора, якщо загальна потужність струму в резис-
торах дорівнює 5,4 Вт?
Завдання 6 (4 бали)
Електричний кип'ятильник за 3 хв нагріває 200 г води від 25 до 90 °С.
Якою є напруга на кип'ятильнику, якщо його опір 12 Ом? Втрат енергії
не враховуйте.


Автор ответа: Аноним



Завдання 1:

Б. U = - I * R

Завдання 2:

Відповідь: Б. 2 В.

За законом Ома: U = I * R, де U - напруга на резисторі, I - сила струму, R - опір резистора.

За показів амперметра видно, що сила струму I = 0,4 А. Опір резистора R = 5 Ом.

Тоді напруга на резисторі буде: U = I * R = 0,4 А * 5 Ом = 2 В.

Завдання 3:

Відповідь: Г. R2 = 9R1.

Опір резистора визначається за законом Ома: R = U / I, де U - напруга на резисторі, I - сила струму.

З графіка видно, що для першого резистора при напрузі 6 В сила струму I1 = 2 А. Тоді його опір буде: R1 = U / I1 = 6 В / 2 А = 3 Ом.

Для другого резистора при напрузі 6 В сила струму I2 = 0,67 А. Тоді його опір буде: R2 = U / I2 = 6 В / 0,67 А ≈ 8,96 Ом.

Отже, R2 / R1 ≈ 3, або R2 ≈ 9R1.

Завдання 4:

Відповідь: 83,33 м.

Опір мідного проводу можна визначити за формулою: R = ρ * L / S, де ρ - специфічний опір матеріалу проводу (для міді ρ = 1,72 * 10^-8 Ом * м), L - довжина проводу, S - площа поперечного перерізу проводу.

Тоді L = R * S / ρ = 17 Ом * (0,2 мм² / 10^6 м²) / (1,72 * 10^-8 Ом * м) ≈ 83,33 м.

Завдання 5:

Відповідь: 24 Ом.

При з'єднанні резисторів паралельно еквівалентний опір буде: 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2.

Загальна потужність струму в резисторах P = U * I = I^2 * R.

leramarisaia: Спасибо большое
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Відповісти на питання за текстом (Ex.3, p.29)
Текст додаю нижче

Read the descriptions of different teenage groups
and match them with the right names from Task 1.

Looks and fancy clothes are very important for them, and they
sometimes spend hours in the bathroom just to get the perfect
hairstyle or match the right outfit. You might call them fashion
victims, because they love designer labels and always keep up
with the latest trends. They don’t generally have problems with
school or teachers, but they have no special interests. When it
comes to music, they listen to anything played on radio stations
and MTV, as long as it’s not too loud. And their favourite hangout? Shopping centres, of course, especially at weekends!

They are simply ingenious when it comes to computers. Very
few people can actually understand them when they talk about
the latest software or new gadgets, which is when they get
irritated! They are brilliant at science subjects, especially Maths
and Physics, and schoolwork in general is rarely a problem for
them. When it comes to clothes, they grab whatever is clean in
their room. They are not too picky about music either, but rock,
heavy metal or hip hop are among their favourites. They mix
well with skaters, since skateboarding is often their favourite
pastime. Their favourite hang-outs are computer labs, cyber
cafes or any other place with a computer nearby.

They are fascinated by African American urban culture, so
baggy clothes and baseball caps are their most usual outfit.
They don’t consider graffiti vandalism, but an art form, so you
can see their drawings on city walls, but sometimes in their
notebooks or the school bathrooms, too. Of course, rap and
hip hop are their favourite music, but girls frequently prefer
R&B, and they are especially fond of hip-hop dance. Most hip
hoppers are very good with words and rhymes, and know a lot
about politics and global problems, so it’s good to have them
on your debate team. They love playing basketball in their free
time, so school playgrounds are among their favourite
outs. Let’s not forget the
clubs, when there is a rap battle!

School is the centre of their world, and most of them already have
a clear idea about their future career. They are very ambitious and
competitive, but also hard-working, so they never forget to do their
homework. That’s why other students sometimes call them nerds.
They are extremely well-behaved, which is why they are almost
always teacher’s pets. They’re not particularly fashion-conscious,
but they like neat and casual clothes. They are not picky about
popular music, but some of them like to join their parents at
concerts of classical music. Although most teenagers find books
boring, they really enjoy reading, so libraries are definitely among
their favourite hang-outs.

Their sports career is as important as school for them, and
most of them miss a lot of classes because of preparations for
important competitions. That’s why they sometimes have a lot
of schoolwork to catch up. At the same time, they do well in
exams, but unlike some other students, they are certainly
excellent at PE. A jogging suit is their most usual outfit, simply
because it is the most comfortable one. It is also quite logical
that they spend most of their free time in a gym, but sports
events are also among their favourite hang-outs.

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